
Attention Windows-10-Nutzer: Automatic update of Windows 11

Attention Windows-10-Nutzer: Automatic update of Windows 11

For Windows 10, you need to explain upgrading to Windows 11 by clicking here. install. Automatic execution is not possible.

Nutzer von Windows 11 Home can be updated for Windows Update for a woman Bremsen bzw. nur den Neustart über die “erweiterten Options” etwas hinauszögern.

It is possible to ensure that the Windows update mechanism is activated, such as the tools Windows update blocker Helfen Dabei. Überlegen Sie sich das aber gut bzw. achten Sie darauf, dass Sie dadurch nicht in Sicherheitsprobleme laufen. These updates are useful and effective during a temporary break.

A big problem with Windows 11 24H2 occurs, so this is an update date. After the upgrade you are already in the 10th day, a step back into the current version of my machine. Windows 11 23H2 is also available today, but inside there is a big island, I even go to the 24H2 to do it.