
Barzotti enters and decides, Daqoune is a warrior

Barzotti enters and decides, Daqoune is a warrior

Barzotti enters and decides, Daqoune is a warrior


PIRA 6: No, it’s a problem with complicated things, if you are with the order (I am in the case where I become deflecting Jebbar’s shot on the palo. In the case: parata salva-resultato)
VITOFRANCESCO 6.5: Another reward of great generosity from the white captain who saw the first player from the city center and poi with a nice punishment of little height
BONACCORSI 6.5: The powerhouse of life for four is not so ready to be prepared and also to a great service
ROPOLO 6.5: Come il compagno di reparto concedes nothing to adversaries
FERRIERI 6: Even though this is the ultimate service, my service is a positive one
MARANGON 6: A first time a po’ spaesato, in the ripresa ne parte bene ma nel final found extra energy to recover a portion of fundamental palloni for the victory
DAQOUNE 6.5: No si riparmia mai e la squadra si affida su di lui. Prima a centrocampo e poi in difesa, it is a positive constant
VALAGUSSE 6: Una gara attenta e precisea. Team balance is always important for aerial play
BANFI6.5: After 15 seconds of space in the crossing and there is no luck on the rimbalzo which goes on the line my no crossing. But an atipica gara of the esterno of attacco my nel final is importantissimo to gestire palla and tenere alta the squadra
ROMERO 6: A part of sacrifice to control the defenders and so much responsibility for the companies
D’Iglio 6: If you are riveted to the field, gesticulate a piece of personality possession, it is more to use the foil wallpaper
MARCHISONE 5.5: No al massimo, seems imballato ea parte qualche iniziativa temporanea non riesce a entrere nel vivo del gioco
Barzotti 7: Not only he gol, but also various pallonis playing with tatic intelligence and tanta voglia di bring home a preziosissima vittoria

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