
15 years ago, an underestimated science fiction program defeated the “semebra” with a punch

15 years ago, an underestimated science fiction program defeated the “semebra” with a punch

Joss Whedon made a name for himself as the voice of a joke generation like the showrunner behind Buffy The Vampire Slayer And the Marvel brain behind The Avengers. But between the two, he had an era of neglected masterpieces, including the now iconic space Firefly and passion project of the Strake era Dr. Horrible Dr..

But after these, Whedon created what can be his better series – and the least known – a parable of science fiction which foreshadowed the premise of Breakup With a separate network of television, all leading to a final that was just crazy enough to work.

DollhouseThe final jumped to its printing technology causing the end of the world.


Dollhouse Had a very simple premise: Echo (alum Buffy Eliza Dushku) is an active, someone who has taken a heavy sum so that his personality and their memories were completely deleted to become a customizable and tailor -made escort for “commitments” with Ultra-rich. It has become the perfect series for the week’s commitment: one week, Echo is located with the personality of a hostage negotiator to help save a kidnapped girl, and the following that she hired by a billionaire to replace His deceased wife.

This model was completely upset in the final of season 1, “Epitaph One”, which abandoned the decor for a little forward around 2019, a world where printing technology has bothered rampant society, destroying Completely as we know it. It has all the characteristics of a good post-apocalypse story: some characters have joined the municipalities, others have gone crazy, and there is, of course, a subculture of biohackers who use argot as “disconnect Instead of “backing up”.

The only problem? He has never spread to the United States. Due to the strange contractual language, Fox only broadcast episodes 1 to 12 Doll house, Leaving “epitaph one” as an additional DVD. At first, it seemed that it would be all she wrote for the series, but a renewal of season 2 was a shock for all the people involved. “Fox forgot to cancel my show … very clumsy,” he said Scifi wire In 2009. “They watched and said,” Oh, that’s our bad. We forgot to cancel your show. You will have to do more.

Dichen Lachman, Severance’s Gemma / MS. Casey, played Sierra / Priya in Dollhouse.


So, what do you do when you need to do another excellent final, but have you already flashed in the future? Simple: you flasse a little further in the future. “Epitaph Two: Return” takes place in 2020, like Echo and his active colleagues (including Sierra, played by Breakup‘S DICHEN LACHMAN) Try to postpone the world as it was, free from any imprint.

It is not a perfect end, it would require at least another season. But he managed to satisfy so many questions from regular episodes without being linked to them. Dollhouse Could have done incredible things with a third season, but “Epitaph Two” was the best use of the time he had.

Nowadays, the renewals of season 2 are even more rare than in 2010. But with Breakup Already planning his third season, questions from the end of the show could start to bubble. Perhaps the ideal way to say goodbye is to jump all the devolution and go directly to the apocalypse, trusting the public to follow the path.

Dollhouse is now streaming on the CW.