
The United Kingdom Extremism Commission requested the complaints of far-right social media

The United Kingdom Extremism Commission requested the complaints of far-right social media

The British Commission to counter extremism (CCE) requests complaints concerning the program to combat terrorism to prevention of far-right anonymous social media, can reveal the Middle East.

An examination of the recent activity of the Commission on the X social media platform revealed that it had engaged in publications allegedly written by critical persons with regard to the formation of the public sector, including Articles that suggest that the program “will have the idea that Islam” while exaggerating the threat posed by the extreme right.

In a case, the commission intervened in response to a commentary on a story called British Lionness published as part of a thread reacting to the disorders in the English city of Leeds in July of last year, when hundreds have come down In the street and a two -story bus has been set on fire.

Major commentators from the far right online blame Muslims and “Third World” migrants for events.

The thread was invited by a message from an account named Queen Natalie Which asked: “Please tell me when the last time the native British have a mass riot like the cultural invaders that come here?”

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Queen Natalie describes itself on its X profile as “English” and a “patriot” which had “enough of the awakened ideology which infected the West”.

An anonymous account called Republican x Replied in an article now deleted, saying: “Romanian gypsies demonstrated in Leeds”, using a derogatory term for the Roma.

This was followed by the response of British lioness Account, who complained: “I continue to” warn “the training for work frequently, women of the Woke Home Office who always refer to the last terrorist attack in the United Kingdom was by a white man of the far right!

“3 courses in the last 6 months and she repeats her far right is the problem!”

Engage with extreme right accounts

The following answer in the wire, however, did not come from another anonymous account but from the official X account of the CCE.

“Hello, we deal with and investigate the complaints concerning prevention and are interested in learning more about the training referenced above,” said the CCE in his job.

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“Do not hesitate to DM, tweet us or make an official complaint using this link.” A link to a government Web page Entitled “file a complaint regarding prevention” has been attached.

There was no visible response from the British lioness.

The conclusions of MEE seem to raise other questions on the role of the commission, currently managed by Robin Simcox, which was made responsible for the supervision of the prevention of the former conservative government following a controversial examination of the program by William Shawcross.

The Shawcross examination had called for a renewed orientation in the prevention of “Islamist extremism” while suggesting that it had concentrated too much on the extreme right.

Simcox, whose appointment in 2022 save to work for reflection groups accused of Islamophobia, also has critical Preventing too much emphasis on the extreme right – defending an accent on Islamist extremism.

But the controversial program is now confronted with a new control after being revealed last week that a teenager found guidance of three young girls from Southport last year had been referred to prevent schoolboy three times.

“ The dependence of the CCE with regard to the extreme right not verified and anonymous, social media for the criticism of prevention is a desperate attempt to amplify the ideologically motivated stories’ ”

– Layla Allhadj, prevent the watch

Prime minister Keir Starmer has promised an examination of the “whole counter-extremmist system” and announcement The appointment of Lord David Anderson to the new role of the commissioner’s independent prevention – apparently sidelined the CCE.

Interior secretary Yvette Cooper said that she had ordered an examination of the reference thresholds to prevent and suggested that the Islamist extremism references had been “too weak”, even if the Southport killer, Alex Rudakubanawas not Muslim and the police did not treat the attack as a terrorism incident.

Tuesday, Revealed leaks The fact that the rapid examination of the home office on commanded extremism in August recommended a transition to focus on ideology to a wide range of “behaviors”.

But the government said that it had rejected these recommendations, with the Minister of the Interior Dan Jarvis To say: “Islamist extremism followed by extreme right extremism is the greatest threats we face.”

The CCE was set up by the Home Office in 2018 with a discount to support and advise the government on policies aimed at combating extremism.

Her charter of origin said that she had no discount on prevention or other policies to combat terrorism. But the charter was deleted without explanation in 2023, and the CCE has been operating since without one.

“ Blind eye on Islam ”

The examination of the activity of the CCE of Middle East Eye on X noted that it has been committed several times with anonymous users and asked them to give comments on prevention.

There are X accounts that complained that prevented too little on Islam and Muslims, or too much on extreme right extremism.

There was no apparent file that the CCE undertakes with the X -complained accounts which unjustly prevented the targeted Muslims, a common criticism of politics.

On October 6 of last year, an anonymous X account called brand Published which prevents training, which is compulsory for public sector workers, “consists essentially of looking at Islam and concentrating all your attention in the wrong place.”

Months later on December 18, the CCE replied To the publication with the same message he sent to British Lioness, including a link to the complaint web page.

The X account to which the CCE had answered, Mark, had poster Earlier on October 6, qualifying the Koran as “Charabia Book”. Two days before, he had said Pope Francis should “close the fuck”.

On October 8, an account called Finlay Brannon – which displayed an animal animated as a profile photo – posted complaining that “if you prevent training, the examples used are imaginary far -right incidents”.

On December 18, more than two months later, the CCE repliedAgain with an article asking for the account to “make DMs, tweeter or file an official complaint”.

Brannon had shared a racist job On September 23, urging the “black community” to say to the metropolitan police who had killed a police officer. Apparently approving the job, Brannon do: “Indeed”.

He also shared on September 7 job Saying: “I lit my cigarette with the Koran paper while the Muslims shouted and I laughed”, accompanied by a video of the incident.

“ Fake news and waste ”

The CCE responded on October 21 to a post on August 18 by Stanley Percival Simmondsauthor of the book of May 2024, A manifesto to save British, British and British culturewho pleads for a net-zero migration and warns that the “complete death of the British is at the sight”.

Simmons describe Preventing training as a “joke”, saying: “The state agent who was training explained to us that he was not one of those people who avoid talking about Islamic terrorism, then spent a time to talk about “Le” far right ‘and Andrew Tate. “”

The CCE asked him To submit a complaint.

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On the same day, the commission responded to another post of August 22 by an anonymous story called Janof which profile Read “speaker. Extreme right (apparently) ”.

Jan said That his training footprint “showed images of Lawrence Fox and Katie Hopkins like Erw examples (far right), it will therefore be interesting to see if something has changed”.

Fox And Hopkins are eminent British and anti-British anti-Islam activists. The CCE asked Jan to submit a complaint.

Also on October 21, the CCE poster A link to the prevention complaint form under a post of commentator of GB News Connor Tomlinson From August, on the home office secret unit Which said Tomlinson, “manipulates public opinion following terrorist attacks”.

The CCE also responded to a job Under Tomlinson who said: “I did the prevention training. It is massively biased. Many of “far -right” discussions and examples, Islamic terrorists have only been briefly mentioned in passing, but they quickly come back to “extreme right. These are false news and waste, although the Bit of backup works, I think. “

There were other cases where the CCE responded to the accounts X anonymes.

Last week, good groups critical Yvette Cooper for saying that the references prior to Islamist extremism were “too weak” despite Data indicating that Muslims are more likely than others to be wrongly and questioned in the context of the strategy of counter-extemism.

In August 2024, a The United Nations The report strongly criticized prevention and said that it was “particularly concerned about the high number of interventions and references from people belonging to Muslim communities, especially children.”

Layla Aitlhadj, director of the watch to be warned, told MEE: “CCE’s dependence on the social media anonymous and anonymous far -right explains the criticism of prevention is a desperate attempt to amplify biased tales and ideologically motivated. “

She added that revelations strengthen the concerns about the commission’s “lack of rigor and impartiality”.

“With the announcement of an independent examiner to warn, it seems to be a desperate attempt to remain relevant in a changing landscape.”

MEE contacted the CCE for comments but did not receive an answer at the time of publication.

MEE also contacted the Ministry of the Interior to comment, but was returned to the CCE.