
Valorante update 10.02 NOTES: Crucial correctives with shield and agents

Valorante update 10.02 NOTES: Crucial correctives with shield and agents

The Valorant deploys a small but important update with the Patch 10.02, which includes a handful of bug corrections, affecting certain agents and the Regen armor. Consult the implementation notes below.

The update also arrives at a crucial time, given the Vailorante esports season is about to start for 2025, with VCT Bangkok masters at the corner of the street.

This update contains nothing greatly exciting in terms of content, but there is no time like the present to correct some of these frustrating bugs.

This includes a solution for the brand new Regen shields leaving players with a health ribbon when in fact, they should have been eliminated. Fortunately, it was tackled.

Discover the complete layoff notes below, via Riot games.

Valurant 10.02 Notes

All platforms

Bug fixes


  • Fixed a problem where certain types of damage could leave players with Regen Shields at 1 hp when the damage should have been fatal.
    • This also resolved the problems where the clove could disembark deadly damage specifically when the Regen shield and bring together were active at the same time.


  • Vyse
    • Fixed a problem where the pink arc and razorvin were visible when placed on specific water surfaces.
  • Tejo
    • Fixed a problem where players could rarely survive to run directly for the duration of Armageddon.
  • Killjoy
    • Fixed a problem where the Milljoy Minimap indicator could be stuck in a state where it was invisible.
    • Alarmbot Logic has been updated to be smarter.
      • In niche circumstances, the alarmbot will now go to players if they are on edges and explode on them if they were struck by the size of the explosion rather than trying to execute extremely long paths Around the map.
Vyse Valorant

Vyse, Tejo and Killjoy have obtained fixes in this update.

Gameplay systems

  • Fixed a bug where observers saw the trigger colors of the team of incoherent players.

PC only

Bug fixes

  • First
    • Correction of a problem where long team names could overlap on the screen of the playoff support.
    • Fixed a problem where the downdown boxes in the classification sometimes cut the text.
    • Fixed a problem where the text of the division name was not always properly aligned on the screen history screen.