
Scouts become stars of the track at the annual derby of the Kootaga District | News, sports, jobs

Scouts become stars of the track at the annual derby of the Kootaga District | News, sports, jobs

Scouts become stars of the track at the annual derby of the Kootaga District | News, sports, jobs

The scouts look at Pinewood Derby cars taking place on Saturday at the finish line at the Kootaga District Pinewood Derby held at the Collège Activities Center in West Virginia University in Parkersburg. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)

Parkersburg – The annual Kootaga district derby took place on Saturday at the College of West Virginia University in Parkersburg with eight packs represented.

“Thus, each packs holds its own type of individual derby, and it is then for the winners at the level of the pack”, “ Alan Campbell, Scoutmaster for Scouting America Troop 20.

He said that the event allows scouts of “Build a car all their own” And “Exercise of creativity” in the design and engineering of their vehicles.

“They can understand how to make it faster and modify their design”, “ Campbell said. “In the end, you know, they place their cars up there on the track and compete with other scouts. So it’s just a fantastic event.

He said the regulations are designed to ensure uniform playground and to promote skills development.

Kennedy Mahoney, Pack 91, uses precision to ensure that his car in Pina is perfectly aligned on Saturday at the Kootaga District Pinewood Derby held at the College Activities of West Virginia University in Parkersburg. Mahoney established the course record in this heat with a time of 3.1092 seconds, equivalent to a “scale” speed of 230 mph. This time was also good enough for Mahoney to win first place at home. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)

“The regulations guarantee that all cars meet certain standards, such as weight limits and types of wheels, to maintain equity”, “ Campbell said.

The competition consisted of four rounds with each derby car in competition for the best time. This time was recorded for each scout, deciding by the winner of the global competition.

Kennedy Mahoney, Pack 91, used precision to make sure that his pine car was perfectly aligned for each race. This attention to details allowed Mahoney to define a course record in its heat with a time of 3.1092 seconds, equivalent to a “scale” speed of 230 MPH. This time was also good enough for Mahoney to win first place at home overall.

Kathy Wise, volunteer for marketing and communications, said that Covid has had an impact on the derby in the past two years, but that the interest in scouting is developing as the district has hosted two new packs in Ripley and in Grantsville. She said that the event was an opportunity for the scouts of the various district packs to meet, compete and create new friendships.

“It’s all about children”, Said Wise.

Isacc Place, Pack 129, ensures that his derby car is perfectly aligned on Saturday at the Kootaga District Pinewood Derby which was held at the Collège Activities Center de West Virginia University in Parkersburg. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)

Douglass huxley can be contacted at [email protected]

Alan Campbell, Scoutmaster for Scouting America Troop 20, shoots the lever to release cars on Saturday at the Kootaga District Pinewood Derby held at the College Activities of West Virginia University in Parkersburg. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)

Liam Richards obtains his derby car in place before his first round on Saturday at the Kotaga District Pinewood Derby held at the West Virginia University Activities Center in Parkersburg. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)

The scouts look at Pinewood Derby cars crossing the finish line on Saturday at the Kotaga District Pinewood Derby held at the Collège Activities Center of the West Virginia University in Parkersburg. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)

The scouts celebrate while Pinewood derby cars cross the finish line on Saturday at the Kootaga Derby Derby District held at the College Activities Center of the West Virginia University in Parkersburg. (Photo by Douglass Huxley)

The winners of the annual Kootaga district derby, derby, held at the West Virginia University Activities Center in Parkersburg, pose for a photo on Saturday after the competition. From left to right: Noah Moyers (4th place), Andrian Kanitz (3rd place), Jace Mercer (2nd place) and Kennedy Mahoney (1st place). (Photo provided)