
Selection of the chief minister of Delhi BJP: why there is no natural choice

Selection of the chief minister of Delhi BJP: why there is no natural choice

After the chief ministers like Madan Lal Khurana, Sheila Dikshit and Arvind Kejriwal, Delhi’s policy is ready to enter a new era, when Delhi’s face is decided. The Bharatiya Janata party will form the government in Delhi and the indications are that one of the 48 elected deputies of the The party will be the chief minister.

Those who have observed recent BJP policy are aware of the selection process. In most states, the central leadership of the party decided by the name of the chief after the results and almost all were surprised choices. Thus, even in Delhi, the chief will not be elected by the deputies, but selected by the high command.

Why does no one look like a natural choice?

One of the prerequisites of a chief minister should be that the person has respect for the deputies. The election of Delhi was largely beaten against the Arvind Kejriwal regime. The BJP estimated that a collective leadership in the Delhi unit would benefit the party because it would not allow Kejriwal to put the battle of personality in the foreground.

It was therefore a type of Model Model VS Kejriwal competition. This is why none of those who came after winning the elections can claim their weight on other seats except theirs. This includes Verma Parove, which won Kejriwal. This is why there are now many applicants for the highest position.

Selection criteria

It is largely a battle among the equals. Many senior leaders from an organizational point of view are deputies for the first or second time. Consequently, deputies like satisfaction Upadhyay, Ashish Sood, Pawan Sharma and Shikha Rai have very limited legislative experience. Even a leader such as Verma PAROVE, who remained a deputy for two consecutive conditions, has neither governance experience nor has never worked in an important organizational position.

Leaders like Vijendra Gupta, who remained the opposition chief at the Delhi assembly twice and was even the president of the BJP of the State of Delhi, is not considered charismatic to be catapulted at the Post of chief minister.

Wait for the surprise choice

Honestly, it will be more a balanced game while keeping in mind the greatest national BJP policy. There are discussions that the candidate could be purvancy, because the next elections are in Bihar and the party wants to give a message to state voters.

A second line of thought indicates that since the Jats are not satisfied with the party in states like Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, a leader of the Delhi’s first post will give a clear message.

Some people think that a Sikh or Dalit face could better suit the party plan. But, most leaders are of the opinion that the Sangh Parivar will play a more important role in the leader’s decision and whoever will be selected must have a close working relationship with his outfits.

Posted on:

February 11, 2025
