
The Sierah des Mafs says: “The truth about Adrian and me”

The Sierah des Mafs says: “The truth about Adrian and me”

After its explosive revelations at the most recent Married at first sight Commitment ceremony, where Sierah admitted that she had opened up difficult experiences in her past, without disclosing these details in Billy, says Siera New idea Why happened.

“At this stage of experience, I had built a friendship with Adrian (as well as Ashleigh and Katie, and Groom Tony), which has become a strong support system for me.”

Sierah insists that even if her goal “was always entirely on Billy”, she admits that she and Adrian had caught up socially and that “I saw her as a solid friend”.

Awhina Adrian Mafs
Awhina had a broken heart to hear during the engagement ceremony that Adrian had approached with another bride. (Credit: new channel)

Sierah adds, however, that it had been left confused by a notable change in the way Billy interacted with her.

“We had very successful, but his withdrawal of intimacy was confused for me because I had the impression of having always communicated my attraction to him,” she explains.

Sierah admits, however, that Billy is not his usual “type”.

“There is a bit of a larrikin and I am generally attracted to someone who is a little older and who is quietly confident.”

Whether or not it is Her television wedding with Billy Maybe recovered remains to be seen.

Sierah denied doing something wrong. (Credit: new channel)

Another Carina wife had already insisted in an interview with Yahoo! Lifestyle that Adrian and Sierah had not behaved inappropriately by playing “ feet ”

“I never indicated that there was more than a friendship between Adrian and Sierah and this little footsia thing, it was the first time I saw it,” she told the publication.

“Was it really fish?” I don’t think it was. I returned and I watched it, I had to rewind, and I said to myself, what do you wait? What’s going on? This zoom-in was not close enough, I need to see other evidence. »»

She added this due to the “pressure pressure fighter” environment which is MafiShe was not surprised that the duo established a narrow friendship during the shooting.

Sierah Billy Mafs
Billy was left alone and isolated in his marriage to Sierah. (Credit: new channel)

Adrian himself broke his silence on the incident in question in an interview with 9.

“If touching my feet cheat, I would certainly have cheated Whina with Ryan, Jacqui,, Jeff and Rhi Because they were sitting in front of me – and Tony at some point. »»

“If you are sitting at a table and stretching your legs, you end up accidentally touching people’s feet. To make it look back, I did not know that her feet were even kicking my feet.

He added: on my mother’s life, I didn’t know she was banging my feet. There was nothing more.

Despite this, the Daily mail said it was not as innocent as Sierah and Adrian claimed it, revealing that the duo had an “intimate meeting” shortly after the foot scandal behind their partner’s back.