
Valley apple orchards see revenue decline due to Chinese imports

Valley apple orchards see revenue decline due to Chinese imports

TIMBERVILLE, Va. (WHSV) – Apple picking season is coming to an end and orchards across the region have been facing challenges such as the current drought.

Shannon Showalter, owner of Showalter’s Orchard in Timberville, said apple imports from China have played a big role in cutting apple prices in half from what they were two years ago. He said that because of these apple imports, they may not be as safe as those grown on local farms with fewer regulations on safety and chemicals used on the fruit.

“There could be a security problem. The chemicals and regulations in this country contribute to food safety, and I don’t know how that happens when products are imported here from other countries. I think they’re supposed to be verified, but I’m not sure how that works,” Showalter said. “People can just be mindful of where their products come from. Sometimes that means paying a little extra for something, but usually with that cheaper price you might want to look into whether it’s a much cheaper price for a product you’re comparing to a product which can be local.

Showalter said customers should be aware of this before choosing the wrong apple.

“I think some regulations would help, but (in terms of) getting prices back to normal, the consumer would be the best way to do that – just by being mindful of where your products come from and trying to buy products made in the United States,’” Showalter said.

Showalter encourages consumers to buy from local growers for safety reasons and to help protect orchards across the East Coast.