
These 5 movements promise to release tension in the back and hips. Here’s what happened when I tried them.

These 5 movements promise to release tension in the back and hips. Here’s what happened when I tried them.

Building full body strength is something I’ve been focusing on for over 10 years. If I’m not at the gym strength training and by checking off squats with dumbbells or deadlifts, I discover new Pilates classes or try functional training programs like Pvolve to help develop muscular strength and stability.

Add to that my very sedentary job as a freelance writer and by the end of the 9-5, I often find my hips and back tight, strained and sore. To help negate the effects of prolonged sitting and all of the above, I try to supplement many of the best exercises to do if you sit all day or weave in short and sharp full body stretching sessions.