
New Ky Law Overturning HOA Bans on Political Signs Is Not Retroactive

New Ky Law Overturning HOA Bans on Political Signs Is Not Retroactive

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – A new Kentucky state law makes it easier for residents of certain planned communities to post political yard signs.

In the past, signs have been banned at many HOA conventions. But the new law comes with some confusion.

The law states: “An association shall not prohibit the outdoor display of political signs by an owner or resident.” »

Some saw this as a green light to ignore their HOAs and put up a sign. But the law doesn’t say it’s retroactive.

“It was important for people to express their political opinions and they passed KRS381.800,” said Morgain Patterson, municipal law director for the Kentucky League of Cities. “And it prevents planned communities from prohibiting the placement of political signs on property as of the effective date of the law, which is June 29, 2023.”

This means that HOA bans on political signs enacted before June 29, 2023, still apply.

Leanna Survant is one of the homeowners currently in conflict with their HOA covenants.

Her sign supporting Vice President Kamala Harris is the first she has posted for a candidate. When she was informed that the law was not retroactive, she considered her options.

“I think I will talk about it with my husband and I would prefer to stay within the confines of the law,” Survant said. “I know this particular HOA does not have any provisions against flags, so a flag could be flown at this point.”