
I love (and hate) the way The Penguin season 1 played with my emotions in the penultimate episode

I love (and hate) the way The Penguin season 1 played with my emotions in the penultimate episode

Warning: SPOILERS for The Penguin the episode “Top Hat” is early!

HBO The Penguin was one of the tribune-shows of the year, and while I hope we get some news on Season 2 as we move into the new year and into the TV schedule 2025I have to give this series its flowers. It’s been a long time since I watched a series that played with my emotions this much, and that was especially the case in the penultimate episode.

I both love and hate “Top Hat,” but I should note that the negative part of that statement is also said with love. The Penguin can be frustrating in the best way, so before what could be the final chapter of its story, I decided to talk about some of the things that are bothering me ahead of the finale.

Colin Farrell in The Penguin

(Image credit: HBO)

I love and hate how the penguin reminded us that Oswald is a bad guy