
After Election, Nevada Foundation Advocates Environmentally Friendly Sign Removal

After Election, Nevada Foundation Advocates Environmentally Friendly Sign Removal

As the 2024 election season draws to a close, many Nevadans may be facing political fatigue as they work to overcome the overstimulation of political ads, calls, texts and public campaign signs .

While local ordinances have been put in place for the removal of public political campaign signs, the Garden Farms of Nevada Foundation and a local nonprofit hope to help people get rid of campaign signs from candidates of one more environmentally friendly way.

“We would like everyone to donate their signs to us because we can reuse and recycle them. It’s not a single-use product for us because we can use a lot of things two, three or 10 times,” said Wendy Wilson, general manager of Garden Farms of Nevada.

With the end of the 2024 general election season, local jurisdictions have implemented regulations giving Nevada candidates with election ads throughout the Valley a strict deadline to remove their political signs.

“I drive to work every day and pass empty lots filled with election signs and I always wonder what they’re going to do with all this in the end,” Garden said. Allie Pieroni, Deputy Director of Nevada Farms.

Ordinances in the cities of Las Vegas and North Las Vegas allow candidates up to 15 days after the primary or general election for a candidate’s campaign team to remove all political signs from public spaces.

Other county entities, like the Nevada Department of Transportation, have also implemented regulations, holding campaigns 30 days after the general election for removal.

“It is common knowledge that these panels end up in landfills and all the waste that ends up in landfills ends up contributing to harsher climates,” Pieroni said.

Officials at Garden Farms of Nevada, whose mission is to help communities grow and learn about sustainability, hope people will consider reducing their carbon footprint and turn the signs into something of value.

“We will do everything we can to reduce possible waste. We want to give back to the environment, we want to reduce any additional waste released into the environment. » added Pieroni.

“We are asking everyone to drop off their signs in one of our community gardens along with the small metal objects holding them; the eyelets, the ropes, whatever you have, we’ll take it. We can use them to create mazes, to design little trails and show people where our gardens are and also to label different products for children in schools,” Wilson said.

Those interested in recycling candidate campaign signs can drop off these items at the Garden Farms Community Garden or at Garden Farms Community Garden.