
Allie Beth Stuckey’s plan to defeat Democrats’ deception

Allie Beth Stuckey’s plan to defeat Democrats’ deception

Social Marxists have long sought to turn compassion into a weapon, to turn the plowshare of love into a sword. And they were very successful. For almost a century, we have heard that collectivization is synonymous with compassion, that the forced redistribution of wealth is a charitable approach, even in the manner of Christ. After all, didn’t the early Church have “all things in common?” »

Liberals tell us that abortion is a matter of a woman’s right to choose, that the affirmation of gender identity is enlightened, that the subjective definition of love is inclusive, that unrestricted illegal immigration is cosmopolitan and that social justice is a virtue of which equality of results is the modern analogue. to the golden rule.

The platitudes sound good, but it’s all lies. Just as the serpent seduced Eve with poisonous words infused with the sweetness of honey, the Democratic Party seeks to turn empathy into a weapon of mass cultural and political destruction. The party leadership is either sympathetic or under the influence of the radical left. All the pillars of civil society that social Marxists have targeted for subversion—education, the press, law, religion, and the family—are also being undermined by the policies of the Democratic Party. What makes America a democratic republic is under constant attack by elements of our government who relentlessly advocate for a gentle cultural revolution.

All this and more is subjected to the insightful analysis of the wildly popular author, speaker and podcaster. Allie Beth Stuckey. In his latest book, Toxic Empathy (How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion)Stuckey subjects the five primary theses of the American left to the rigorous standards of biblical truth. The same Judeo-Christian worldview that gave rise to the culture, politics, and law that make American civil liberties possible.

Simply put, there are no inherent rights outside of the concepts found in the Bible. And what should be of great concern to Christians is that there is no conception of religious freedom in the Social Marxist worldview. Social Marxism emerged in the late 1930s in response to a critical failure of Karl Marx’s original conceptualization of “historical materialism.” Simply put, capitalism was too attractive to “workers” to provide impetus for revolution. In response, social Marxists seek to transform a host society by changing social structures through balkanization and class envy. This is why we always see Democrats defining their districts by group, i.e. men versus women, whites versus blacks, etc.

Woke taboos are, in fact, constructions of social Marxism. This is precisely what Stuckey expertly deconstructs in Toxic Empathy. The book contains a brilliant method of exposition. Stuckey told Townhall: “I asked myself: How can I best persuade someone who disagrees with me? Yes, it’s a book for the people who already follow me to give them the material to have these conversations, but it’s also for the person I’m trying to convince. And it’s usually not… the person who’s completely on the other side of the aisle, but the person who’s in what I call the mushy middle. The person who is naturally empathetic…rather than telling that person, don’t be empathetic…I wanted to show them…this is how your empathy is used.

Each of its five chapters begins with an incredibly empathetic and true story. These are anecdotes that give real perspective and highlight the power of weaponized empathy. Who could not sympathize with a woman forced to give birth to a baby suffering from anencephaly, babies who are often stillborn or survive only a few hours?

Toxic empathy begins with the left’s thermonuclear weapon: abortion. Many women and men consider this to be a woman’s right to make decisions about their own bodies. However, Stuckey skillfully refocuses on the real issue by adjusting perspective. This simple but clever concept is one of the hallmarks of his book: a subtle change that brings everything into focus.

When it comes to abortion, or as I prefer to call it, the issue of infanticide, Stuckey is referring to undisputed science. The logic becomes simple and irrefutable. All of the DNA necessary to build human life is present at the moment of conception. So this is where personality begins. Defining the genesis of personality differently subjects the question to the whims of power. Who has the power to arbitrarily determine character and, therefore, value? Do we allow this in other aspects of life? And no, capital punishment is not an analogy. Capital punishment is not about character, but about retributive justice. For Stuckey, the issue is not a woman’s right to choose, but the unborn person’s right to live. My body, my choice stops where the umbilical cord begins.

Stuckey’s book details how the left uses empathy as a weapon and uses this tactic to influence many voters. She told Townhall: “Christians are obligated to… look at what is factually true, and more importantly for the Christian, what is biblically true… It’s unbridled empathy that I think has a tendency to become toxic . »

Toxic Empathy fights abortion, gender identity, same-sex marriage, immigration, and social justice with the collected wisdom of God’s Word as our guide. Biblical principles are applied logically and in accordance with objective facts. It is a true social science guided by the same principles that built the most prosperous, equal, and powerful country in world history. Stuckey particularly challenges Christians to fulfill their civic duty and honor those who sacrificed blood and treasure to ensure our ability to vote.

The Democratic Party has engaged in nefarious deception for decades. Infested with social Marxists, Democratic leaders have used government as a weapon in their insatiable quest to deconstruct our republic and transform it into a statist, atheist utopia. Toxic empathy is an obstacle to their aspirations. This is a quick and interesting read that will fully inform you before you head to the polls. Find my full interview with Stuckey here!