
les antichi dolci di castagne all Italians sound a rich selection

les antichi dolci di castagne all Italians sound a rich selection

Alcuni, oggi, describes it as a “superfood”. Complex carbohydrates, proteins, a bag of micronutrients and glutin content: it is not the meravigliarsi that the castagne the State of Siano per secoli il ‘pane dei poveri’. Know that the Castanicola sector finds the mode of risk, also in the region of the significant power of the president and the priesthood of Bosch, it can respond to a certain height of risk. The Castagne — and the large version addomesticata, and the chestnuts — are a typical product of the trees of the entire Appenninica ridge, ma in Emilia-Romagna il loro impiego gastronomico is particularly radical. That’s why they always prepare more rarely, but that’s what they do mistocchinedelle frittelle (pure non-fried, ma cotte alla lastra) made from castagne flour and water. Prepare and serve directly in the street of mistocchinaie, in Bologna and Romagna, it is delivered to the popular festival and the tradition of authentic and uncomplicated dolci. Ecco di cosa si tratta.

Le mistocchine emiliano-romagnola con zucchero a velo, tel. Claudia Fornaciari

The tradition of mistoccine, ancient Emiliano-Romagna ‘street food’

This time with mistuchini o al mistuchên, in the second zone, mistocchine takes the name of Latino miscer. So ‘mescolare’, the only gesture which is used to prepare a sweet dish of cooking is traccia già dal Seicento (ma si sospetta sia precedente). Only Castagne flour and water, without zucchini bisogno and ancora prima miele, by the natural sweetness of the ingredient. Can anyone add a latte goccio, anice alcohol or add alchermes, while the cooking method is to do so. Uno street food ante littram, dicevamo, per il quale non occorrono born forni born particolari attrezzature: l’impasto si tira piuttosto sodo e compatto, si tende in cerchi o ovali al Matterello, e poi si fa cuocere su una piastre o lastra scaldata al fuoco o alla brace. Owner come the piadina.

The mistocchine and the castagne with cooking so ottiene the farina

The cultivation of mistocchinaie in Bologna

Le mistocchine fanno parte di que capitolo del ricettario bolognese meno ‘dotto e grasso’, which brings together the use of the inhabitants of the countryside. Even if, however, it passed under the occhio of illustrated authors. As an example Carlo Goldoniche nella sua opera The impresario of Smirne del 1759 commanded: “CHas he seen the Mistocchina? As the young man is Bolognese, and in Bologna, the Chiamano met certe schiacciate fatte di farina di Castagne, he knows that a soprannome who suits his homeland, and his abilities…

Oggi queste ‘schiacciatine’ di Castagne si trovano and autounno inoltrato nelle sagre di paese tra la province de Bologna e que romagnola, ma chi ha qualche anno in addition si la ricorda fumanti servite per strada, also fuori de ricorrenze particular. Don’t worry about it mistocchinaiethe presence of the chef was regulated by community publications, which also intervened to regulate prices. Vestite con grembiule e fazzoletto bianco, riparavano i bracieri under the ports and he addresses the pilasters and the cuocevano without sosta i loro dolci, avendo cura di sistemarli in this one sopra the other, per non farli freddare.

The importance of Castagne, the “poor people’s side” of Appennino cuisine

Dai Vicini Bosch del Mugello e del Casentinoand then more giù nelle vallate di cui è striato l’Apenninesthe castagne if consumed in mass mode end of the second world war. And yet we helped support the population with more other foods, even in those years. Consume coffee, transform it into farina, diventavano polenta or davano corpo alle zuppe. If you have impasto and ice cream, to make tortelli and ravioli when fruit flour is not enough. More rarely, and if possible, if also faceva the castagnaccio. If your family asks that you still return the arrostiti chestnuts to the fire, you will need to place them in a bottle of red wine.

Le mistocchine di castagne, tel. Romagna in Tavola

Come and prepare the mistocchine of Castagne

Oggi the Emiliano-Romagna mistocchine if ritrovano nell’elenco dei TAPProdotti Agroalimentari Tradizionali della regione. The recipe is simpler than that, like this, with a few ingredients, and only a manual way to make the impasto a little more than a centimeter or so, by forcing the neck of the material, applying it to the hand to spread the rice into a diamond shape.

So that you want to cement the house, this recipe is a recipe with anise aroma.


250 g of Castagne flour

Aqua, qb

Anice liqueur, qb

Sale, qb

Pour the flour on a spoon, add anice alcohol, a pizzico of sale and fine water to obtain a compact paste. Spread the pasta with the material up to ½ cm in length and with a bichiere ricavarne dei dischi. Sprinkle the mistocchine on a large piastra, rigirandole at the end when the flour will not be asciutta.

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