
Oil prices later – Schwache Daten aus China Von dpa-AFX

Oil prices later – Schwache Daten aus China Von dpa-AFX

NEW YORK/LONDON (dpa-AFX) – The price of oil has been for the price of the oil of your choice. A barrel (159 liters) of Nordseesorte zur Lieferung in January costs 71.71 US dollars delivered. Das waren 85 Cent weniger als am Vortag. The price for a barrel of the American kind for life in December sank 82 cents to 67.88 dollars.

While the principle of encouraging the oil market applies to economic times in China, under the strong negative interpretation of these words. This is why the Wachstum der Industrieproduktion im Oktober überraschend etwas abgeschwächt. Einzelhandelsumsatz is committed to being better than analysts’ predictions.

“There is only one positive year in Chinese political time dates, but that is not yet happening beyond the Berg,” said Warren Patterson, Rohstoff strategy director at ING Bank. However, the oil spezifischen does not have to fall, so the refinery activity is also implicit in the fact that it is already there. Bereits seit Monaten drücken Sorgen um die Wirtschaftsentwicklung Chinas auf die Ölpreise./la/jsl/stk

“While there are some positive signs in the broader data, it is clear that we are not out of the woods yet,” said Warren Patterson, head of commodities strategy for ING Group (AS:) NV, referring to Chinese economic figures. “Industrial production was weaker than expected; oil-specific numbers were also not great, with refinery activity and implied demand weaker.