
A million new Nutzer auf beim X-Konkurrenten

A million new Nutzer auf beim X-Konkurrenten

Los Angeles. The social media platform Bluesky participated in the day of the US-Wahl a million new Nutzer dazugewonnen. The background is a puzzle of X for an alternative as you wish online for your articles. As of the end of October, Bluesky is the winner of the $15 million Nutzer program.

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Bluesky was invited by Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and joined his price proposal on the X platform, the Tech-Billiardär and Trump analyst Elon Musk did. Trotz des Wachstums von Bluesky gab X vergangene Woche bekannt, dass es “the global conversation on American-Wahl domination”. Laut Vertreter von Bluesky et X reactierten nicht auf Bitten um Stellungnahme.

“Guardian” verlässt

Am Mittwoch hatte der “Guardian” angekündigt, no more on American journalist Don Lemon said that the platform is completely expanding and that he said that X does not expand on a topic for debate and discussion.

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Änderungen in den Nutzungsbedingungen von Musk appeared in July as X headquarters in San Francisco, Texas. In an article in a Washington Post article, Lemon is still sure, “dass solche Klagen in Gerichtsgebäuden verhandelt werden, die ein Zentrum für Conservative sind, was “. “. And further: “I think it’s the mind for itself. »