
who decides the extracurricular activity?

who decides the extracurricular activity?

How can we divide people’s lives between the separate sexes? Why is success not in accordance with the sporting and creative activity of the prole?

Parents are required to ensure the responsibilities of those prosecuted, even after separation and divorce; If what is muta is alone the affidamento, it can be shared – as almost always accade – oppure esclusivo. Influential decisions on the minor prole must be present in the municipality in agreement with the genitals, unless they are things that protect daily life, such as for example the acquisition of some oggetti. In this competition if you have the following question: who decides on the extracurricular activity of people from separate bodies?

In a good situation, if you understand that it is necessary to stabilize the playful, cultural and sporting activity of the prole and that it must bear the costs of ipotes with one of the parents who do not agree. We are in the case where the father has decided to write the role of the football school to the mother who is not preferred: does it prevail in the case of the contrast between the genitals? In practice, who decides on the extracurricular activity of people from separate bodies? Deepen the argument.

Spese figli genitori separati: come si dividono?

THE Spese per i figli di genitori separati if we share the father and the second mother as to the stability of the judgment, in agreement with the party.

Solitarily, the ordinary spese sono compress nell’Assegno di Mantenimento Please note that this is not the case.

Ordinary sound system spese prevedibilicomuni a tutti i figli, come ad esempio vitto, abbigliamentomedication from the bench, cancellation items for school, usual recreational activities (movies, etc.).

THE extraordinary spese sono invece post a carico di entrambi i genitori, et quali devono dividedsele al 50%.

Extraordinary sound unpredictable spese And in a non-preventive and quantifiable way, you will have to observe them periodically and save them.

Rientrano tra le extraordinary spese: the acquisition of an engine or a car; the urgent medical emergency (such as a surgical intervention or the acquisition of a non-bank medication); I travel by structure; I soggiorni all’estero; la spese per attività sportive; etc.

To determine the nature of a species Please check if there is any damage to the caratteri dell’unpredictability the richest for extraordinary rituals: for this, the spesa person can be ordinary for some and extraordinary for others.

For example, the giurisprudenza (Cass., November 12, 2021, n. 34100) ha ritenuto che le University of Spese you must be qualified as ordinary or extraordinary in a second of your future, because it is for the work that finished high school with your votes and while thinking about your future activity of a qualified professional, the spese universitarie devono ritenersi ordinaryamong others for the work that decides to enter the university course without having the scar of propensity for the studio, the right moment must unfold extraordinary.

Extracurricular activities: spesa ordinaria or straordinaria?

THE extracurricular activity Nothing happens in this extraordinary event – ​​as it happens – it is not predictable.

Dunque, the spese per le sporting activity (calcio, nuoto, tennis, pallavolo, etc.) e creative (acquire an expensive console for video games, record scacchi races, etc.) dei figli devono essere divide at 50% tra i genitori, salvo accordo diverso tra le parti.

Devono invece ritenersi ordinarie le extrascholastic spese prevedibili And it is modest, such as the occasional writing of a calcium swirl; What, now, restano comprese all’internal dell’porto pagato tramite Assegno di Mantenimento.

Genitori separati: who decides on girls’ extracurricular activities?

Tra separated genitals You could create controversy over the amount of opportunities you chose if you wanted. extracurricular activity.

Returning to the example cited at the opening, this is what would succeed if the father seen wrote the drawing by hand. calcio school in the hands of the mother is it against the grain?

In an ipotesi del genere, the scelta must be rhymessa al giudicehe must make a decision in the exclusive interest of the prole.

Può poi capitare che the decision is based on one parent without questioning the other And that is an awareness, not so opposite.

In this case, I work for spesa straordinaria non concordata born urgentthe costs of the extracurricular activity remain completely in carico of the genitore which has effecttuato the scelta.

In a good evening, when it is tratta di extracurricular activitythe solitary quali rientrano tra le non-urgent extraordinary eventI can check the various ipotesi:

  • he genitore che non ha prestato il consento – in quantio non consultato al riguardo – e che non si opposite not required to contributefor this reason, the cost will be paid to the generator who has unilateral effect on the choice;
  • he genitore who is not questioned and who is contrario can object to the decision ricorrendo al giudice. In each case, the spesa nessuna may be added to the debit.

Solo takes itextracurricular and coordinated activity – oppure imposta dal giudice – entrab i genitori dovranno parecipare alla spesa.