
Anny Ogrezeanu performed with her new song Out To Get Us in the light of day!

Anny Ogrezeanu performed with her new song Out To Get Us in the light of day!

For two years, Anny Ogrezeanu (23) played the role of “The Voice Of Germany” and arrived at 41.61 Prozent der Stimmen zur Siegerin du 12. Staffel gekrönt. Doch nach ihrem glanzvollen Triumph war is still one of the talented Sängerin geworden. Read on to find out more and bring your new song “Out To Get Us” to Rampenlicht!

Die Zuschauer waren begeistert, als Anny am 4. November 2022 die Krone des Gesangsprogramms errang. Mark Forster, your trainer, made his first trip, with Anny sich gegen starke Mitbewerber durchsetzte. Doch das Leben is aimed at young artists until they are able to use them.

A new musical path

In The Last Women, Anny has her fans on social media with new advice and her coming out story. “I have to go to the Coming-out, because I am at the ‘Voice of Germany’”, which appears in an emotional video. Anny, who does not identify as binary, will be authentic within and to her life. Your new song “Out To Get Us” is an artisanal reflection on this process.

After your daughter discovered that Anny had the duet “Run With Me” with Callum Scott, which debuted in the iTunes charts. Now, with “Out To Get Us” appearing in the charts, you can see it. Anny hat in the Zwischenzeit auf Festivals and Hochzeiten begeistert and ist bereit, their own music in the world of travel. Wir sind gespannt, was die Zukunft für die ses strahlende Talent bereithält!

Ort des Geschehens

What is the analysis, this merger is the best: 12
Comments analyzed on social media: 29
Number of requests analyzed: 74