
Mitarbeiterrelief peinliche Panne – jetzt ist er öffentlich blamiert

Mitarbeiterrelief peinliche Panne – jetzt ist er öffentlich blamiert

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Hunderte Flüge is scheduled to take place in summer 2023 in regions across Great Britain. In this case, you will be able to play a part in the machine with a possible breakdown of the Hauptrolle.

Great Britain – War is imminent chaos: Two days of war der Flugverkehr in Great Britain in August 2023 massive management. Hunderte Flüge wurden gestrichen, more than 700,000 Passagiere wurden Opfer von Annullierungen and Verspätungen. Nonn teilt die Zivilluftfahrtbehörde (CAA) laut britischen Medien mit: A war technician in the home office, has the system damals von zu Hause aus nicht zurücksetzen können. Offenbar hatte er sein Passwort vergesen.

Mitarbeiterrelief peinliche Panne – jetzt ist er öffentlich blamiert
Flughafen Heathrow in London is Europas largest airport. © IMAGO / CHROMORANGE

Password problem verschlimmerte das Chaos am Flughafen

You may be faced with chaos over the past year within the UK’s National Air Traffic Services (NATS), with only one flight date for the system in place. The automatic data processing is on the other side, and on the other side, as well as false information and the flow rate is over.

Laut dem CAA-Bericht verursachte a Flight from Los Angeles to Paris at the end of August den Fall: A double code used for the system. A half-day of studies took place in contact with the NATS central office with an additional technician, who is responsible for the Problems annehmen sollte. This is quite the system set up – and before that point on the home office. Then it is a password problem, but the system is in the Hektik vergesen organization. I think “level 2 technician password information is not available without any prior verification”.


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Stundenlanges Flug-Chaos – and here are the Neustart flights

The technician may strive to adapt to the path of work, but first it is more than three steps to the beginning of the waterfalls. The BBC is also part of the CAA-Bericht. While he is in the office war, there is a great Neustart durchgeführt – erfolglos. It is very likely that you have encountered difficulties during the falls of German system suppliers Frequentis Comsoft and the problem has been identified.

Die Folge der Panne: More than 2,000 flights were carried out, there were “chaotischen Zuständen” auf überfüllten Flughäfen führte. The total cost of the falls for passengers and transport companies: 75 to 100 million dollars, or more than 120 million. Euro. A speech from NATS: “We once again have a way to train in an unexpected way, the passengers aufgrund ces sehr ungewöhnlichen technischen Vorfalls entstanden sind. »

Schimmer kam es im Übrigen im Sommer 2024. Damals legte eine weltweite IT-Störung Systeme lahm. It is possible to uncover flugausfallen. Experts are looking for billions of dollars.