
Replace the ancient portone of the Monumento al marinaio: Italia Nostra chiede chiarimenti

Replace the ancient portone of the Monumento al marinaio: Italia Nostra chiede chiarimenti

He gate original access to Monument to the sailor d’Italia is a rimosso state and replaced by a more modern one. Alcuni cittadini hanno fatto notare the social anomaly and the association Italy Nostrasection di Brindisiwrote an official note, last September 30, indirizzata al Comune et alla Soprintendenza per chiedere chiarimenti. Nessuna risposta fino ad ora.

The new harbor monument at the marina

Social denunciation

Why is this note indicated at the City Palace? The monument in 2014 passed from the property of the military marina of the municipality of Brindisi, the local administration must guarantee the decor and maintenance of the structure, leaving the marina available for representational activity. Inoltre il bene is sottoposto a vincolo della Soprintendenza for its historical, artistic and cultural value. It is a means in the occhio of the modern and posticcio porton to access a historical monument with almost 100 years of history, it is the denunciation of the social. It had the ultimate purpose in 1933 to commemorate sailors captured in the First World War. He is very able to help you visit and enjoy the panoramic view that offers the terrazzo open to the public and located on the entire 53 meters of the altar of the monumental opera house in the shape of a timone. The new gate is visible non-apena if you access the upper square, made of a light material in clear contrast with the carparo with which the monument is in the built state.

The controversy over intervention

The Italia Nostra Brindisi association supports what was present before the substitution, but the original porton of 1933 made by the Brindisi arsenal and acted enti if the intervention is temporary in the attestation of a restaurant. On the Facebook group “Brindisini la mia gente” NATO to promote Brindisina culture, since September 12, a user has published a post with the photo of the intervention of the ceremony of the old port and the insertion of the new , expressing all the dubbi del caso “Ma è normal che al Monumento al marinaio abbiano changed the historic entrance door by replacing it with a new one? It is not possible to recover, restore, replace rovinate party, etc.? Is it normal for this intervention to be carried out? Is it normal that the new door is completely different from the previous one? It is possible that everything that is strange, paradoxical, unsuitable, sbagliato, etc. succeed in planting in Brindisi? What’s the point of the car door? Will it be carried by ferro vecchio or by the pressure of something?

The letter to the Commune and Soprintendenza

Express requests and information in formal jacket, invece, the brindisina section of Italia Nostra, the association that promotes the guardianship of the Italian historical, artistic and natural heritage, wrote after a certificate, last September 30, to the archeology soprintendente Belle Arti e Paesaggio of Brindisi and Lecce, the architect Francesca Riccio and the trustee of Brindisi Giuseppe Marchionna. “The writer needs information about the work and work in the direction of the Port of Italy monument, because the access gate is the one that replaces a new one – if it is in the Italy note in our section from Brindisi – . The original door requires maintenance, but it is not damaged to the point of being replaced, making it part of a monumental vincolato property. It is not a question here of presenting a cartel of information in situ, which will allow you to respond to a possible restaurant in the street, but which will indicate to you information about your substitute, your available funds, your declaration of specialization and your restoration times. Si ringrazia et si resta in attesta di riscontro”. My response, on September 30, has not yet arrived. In addition, our editorial staff contacted the municipal offices and is able to recognize the internal audit work to understand the motivations for the intervention.