
Windows 11 27754 in Canary Kanal with modernized Windows Hello and more available

Windows 11 27754 in Canary Kanal with modernized Windows Hello and more available

A new Insider Build for the Canary channel has been created by Microsoft. This is Windows 11 27754.1000, but rather 10.0.27754.1000 rs_prerelease. Compiled on this date am 15. November 2024. Also no longer available. With this, it’s a modernized Windows Hello.

Windows 11 27754 in Canary Kanal with modernized Windows Hello and more available

Auf der Ignit 2024 has become very dangerous in terms of security. And Windows Hello will also be modernized. “The updated visual implementation of Windows Hello is ensured by clear and clear communication for users, as well as the Windows interface image in other authentication procedures such as Passkey, Microsoft Store and others . »

Problem encountered in Windows 11 27754

  • When you visit the Canary Canal on a new canal Copilot+ PC in the Access channel, Release Preview channel or e-commerce shows you the Windows Hello PIN and biometric data, a PC with the parameter 0xd0000225 and the parameter “Etwas ist schief gelaufen, and Ihre PIN ist not verfügbar“ anzumelden. If you are on the inside, I have the new PIN on the left, as well as the “Meine PIN einrichten” click.
  • We offer you to take care of an insider in our Rollbacks (with Fehler code 0xc190010), when you use the new Canary-Builds for installation.
  • Wir untersuchen Berichte, wonach akzentfarbene Fensterränder nicht angezeigt werden, wenn sie aktiviert sind, et Schatten nicht angezeigt werden, wenn sie aktiviert sind.
  • (NEW) Wir untersuchen Berichte, wonach Benutzer Animationen zum Starten von Fenstern (and others) sehen, obwohl die Einstellung zum Anzeigen von Animationen ausgeschaltet ist.
  • Desk We are working on a fix issue, between desktop background and many monitors, but there is no problem with the problem (big black color).

Fixes and changes in Windows 11 27754

  • When the general taste and STRG taste stop, when you are in the start menu or in the task list on a click in the start list, this entry is started by the administrator, which starts when the general taste + taste STRG is launched and launched. The activation symbol is automatically displayed when clicking on it. When you right-click on Windows Terminal and click on PowerShell, the user and STRG taste are stopped, by a PowerShell window as administrator.
  • Taskleiste and Systray
  • We have updated the shopping program, which is provided when you are with the mouse for application purposes in the task list. Based on insider feedback, we also have the animations for analyzing this experience in the task at hand.
  • We have tested a reliable system, the data and time in the form verkürzter hervorhebt and the Glocken symbol for the Benachrichtigungen je nach DND-Status anzeigt.
  • Translations:
  • Korrektur des Problems bei der Anwendung der Richtlinie für den Digital Markets Act en EWR en version 27749.
  • This is a problem, automatic update and possible restoration of Windows dual access to the boot menu to access the boot menu.
  • Datei Explorer
  • This is an issue that has been resolved because the RAW image appeared in the original format, but the thumbnail image in the current format was changed.
  • This is a gear, because the Suchfeld in Datei-Explorer is not longer than the end of the windows.
  • Taskleiste and Systray Korrektur eines Problems auf sekundären Monitoren für Beutzer der Links Ausgerichteten Taskleiste, bei der Text des Widgets en der Taskleiste das Datum et die Uhrzeit überlappen connte.
  • Eingabe There are a number of recurring issues, from this point on, the mouse on a system with many monitors nearby and the player’s difficulties of a gaming screen proves to be sure that the game does not occur not.
  • Sonstiges
  • There are currently a number of issues that may arise, as well as a single application, for building on other PCs, in the latest abstract Canary-Builds.
  • One of the issues encountered by an insider in the popular Canary-Builds has been resolved, bugchecks with SYSTEM THREAD EXCEPTION NOT GANDLED have been resolved.
  • If you have any problems, you should also scan the sfc/scan now and then check them out.
  • However, some problems may arise, as the Registrierungs-Editor is not more responsive, if the user presses Alt-Taste, then you will find the Lizenzinformation in the Abschnitt Über geklickt hatte.

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