
What’s captivating Dolly Parton’s attention lately?

What’s captivating Dolly Parton’s attention lately?

What's captivating Dolly Parton's attention lately?
What’s captivating Dolly Parton’s attention lately?

Dolly Parton, country music queen best known for her love of fashion, recently revealed what she wants for Christmas.

The 78-year-old singer was spotted collecting bags and baskets, sparking the curiosity of her fans and family. She explained that it was actually quite easy to buy because she didn’t have expensive tastes.

Instead of flashy, high-end jewelry, Rock years The star prefers something fun and quirky to add to her collection.

During his recent conversation with British magazine Closerthe singer revealed: “People ask me, ‘What do you give to someone who has everything?’ And I say, “Something to put it on!”

“So I’m a big fan of tote bags and baskets, and I love costume jewelry and colorful, inexpensive things,” she added.

Dolly went on to reveal: “I’m the easiest person in the world to shop for because I don’t really wear fine jewelry.”

“I like to dress up and wear jewelry that matches my costumes. And so I’m really fun and easy to shop for.”

However, Dolly Parton said she would be just as happy without gifts, as long as she was surrounded by the people she loves.