
Microsoft Zeigt Integration von ZoomIt and PowerToys Run 2.0 in the click › Dr. Windows

Microsoft Zeigt Integration von ZoomIt and PowerToys Run 2.0 in the click › Dr. Windows

Microsoft Zeigt Integration von ZoomIt and PowerToys Run 2.0 in the click › Dr. Windows

Today’s Weihnachtstage scene doesn’t make it to the end, but Kayla Cinnamon’s in-person remark on Available for the next version 0.88, it’s time for ZoomIt factory integration. This is version 2.0 of PowerToys Run angeteasert.

With the integration of ZoomIt, Microsoft finds itself within strong consolidation and the Sysinternals suite program is first directly integrated across the entire company. A ähnlichen Schritt man is looking for Mouse Without Borders created. The functions are identical to the Sysinternals suite variant.

Parallel Dazu is Version 2.0 of PowerToys Run angeteasert. The new version only contains a new tipper boom and full support for cleaning operations. Laut de Microsoft-Entwickler Clint Rutkas wollen die Redmonder en Kurze alle Entwickler, die bereits pour Version 1.x Erweiterungen bzw. The plugins were very useful, supported and supported during porting. After that, the tests will not be carried out yet.

When PowerToys Run version 2.0 is used, it is not activated until now.

About the author

Kevin Kozuszek

Kevin Kozuszek

Since 1999 I have been in charge of Microsoft and have integrated this ecological system into my digital environment. Since Dr Windows, I stopped in November 2016 on all the new launch ideas, Microsoft in its Open Source projects and its mutual aid platform. Regular News from Mozilla and my digital Alltag are also available.