
Weil es zu leise ist: Hersteller ruft E-Auto zurück

Weil es zu leise ist: Hersteller ruft E-Auto zurück

Geräuschlose Autos können für Fußgänger zur Gefahr werden.

(Pexels/Maurício Mascaro)Geräuschlose Autos können für Fußgänger zur Gefahr werden.

Chevrolet rufts the United States with 7,600 Equinox-type electric vehicles in factories. The Autobauer supports shipping via the US-Verkehrssicherheitsbehörde NHTSA. The new Grund für den Rückruf: Die E-Autos is a means of leisure and gives potential storage capacity for fußgänger.

The Chevrolet Equinox EV must be used

Electric vehicles are naturally easy to use like Verbrenner. When all of the above are taken into account, the time will be taken, if the Fußgängern is overheated. Small unfälle sind die mögliche Folge.

Such a problem occurs when the Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System is affected by AVAS. In the EU, there is automatic action of AVAS when starting the engines and up to a rotation speed of 20 km/h in July 2021. Das golden for Hybride ebenso as for Elektroautos. In the United States, the AVAS flight took place as early as 2020 and it travels at around 30 km/h.

Chevrolet discovers which function of the Equinox EV’s additional sound generators is right for you. Now you can download the US-Verkehrssicherheitsbehörde NHTSA warten jetzt 7,600 der Fahrzeuge auf a Software-Update. This is simply a speed problem in the rotation speed of 20 to 30 km/h, also for better washing of drinks. NHTSA may launch the update when it updates Over-the-Air programs, which will allow the choice of an Equinox in the factory. If we die after the order under control, we risk dying in the Stromers seines.

E-Autos are lauter like your Ruf

There have been years of use for technical support for vehicle sound configuration. If you don’t know what to do with it, it’s all about the streets. There are no exceptions when it comes to electric vehicles. Stromer sind zwar beim Start so leise, because aus Sicherheitsgründen künstliche Warngeräusche produziert werden müssen, schon approximately 20 km/h übersteigt ihr Geräuschpegel aber sogar den von modernen Verbrennern. A durchschnittlicher Tesla is also – this was much more difficult to do – than the Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) is also a durchschnittlicher Neuwagen von VW or BMW.

The Hauptgrund is now the top Gewicht von E-Autos mit großem Akku. Die zusätzlichen Kilos drücken on the Asphalt and sorgen damit für erhöhte Roll- und Reifengeräusche. The maximum speed is approximately 20 km/h. It is essential that German products are more effective.

Clean sound design for electric vehicles

Welche Geräusche AVAS genau erzeugt, ist übrigens nicht festgeschrieben. Melodies and other games are performed vocally, so that the sound is slow in a verbal voice. Dennoch bleibt den Herstellern du Freiraum, a typical Schaffen sound. Die Lautstärke bewegt sich dabei zwischen 56 et 75 Dezibel. However, the Tons are not affected, but we also have different men who do not have any more sounds.