
3 Sternzeichen sind die größten Weihnachtsfilm-Fans

3 Sternzeichen sind die größten Weihnachtsfilm-Fans

When spring films are released, three stars are interested in their element. These films from the region are Weihnachts films above all others.

Während handle Menschen die Weihnachtszeit am liebsten mit long Spaziergängen in frostiger Luft or bei ausgedehnten Shoppingtouren verbringen, können es andere gar nicht erwarten, die ruhigen Tage mit romantischen Filmen vor dem Fernseher einzuläuten. The three travel times are found in the current era that interests you with Binge-Watching.

Löwe – opulent films in major series

We have other stars who love the low end of glamor and are also a big fan of rich and opulent films. For him there is nothing else to do, and so there are animated films like “The Polarexpress” or “Disneys Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte”. And the Löwe is not really machen würde, also itself in a living castle, is also the classic Weihnacht “Der kleine Lord” and is created, at Hogwarts Castle, in the Harry Potter films, a little stranger than him.

The Löwe liebt zwar Weihnachtsfilme, is also one of the first films of the period. And so, I see that the Lieblingsstreifen am liebsten in larger Runde mit einer animierenden Feuerzangenbowle. When the film was premiered, it was an event for Löwen and the Freundeskreis office until the end. Schließlich muss das zuvor Erlebte auch ausgiebig besprochen werden.

Fische – I am the Reich of fantasy

These flying fantasies of Fisch are light, like in the romantic films from around the world that white films make. This is a bigger fan of Liebes’ films, which is at this time a difficult pattern for the couple to understand, and it is also possible to find it. Die romantische Komödie “Tatsächlich … Liebe” steht ganz oben auf seiner Wunschliste.

But it may also be surprising that “Kevin – Allein zu Haus” creates the behavior of a simple master. Anders and Löwe created the film within the Fisch am liebsten alleine. It is therefore possible to enter the project with the Bildschirm versinken, without any other action to be taken. Many solutions for romantic relationships are not possible.

Das macht das Sternzeichen Fische is surprised.

Krebs – you will be transferred

Auch der Sense Krebs is no longer found in the Western world, because it has fallen. He is interested in Weihnachts rührenden films, which can also be one or the other journey. In the German market film “The Girls with the Handbag” little Inga in her own night of frying, zerfließt der Krebs mit seinen Taschentüchern on the Sofa. And now one of the following is the best way to go, and the Krebs in the Regel have a Partner on the Side, and they are the same.

Damit der Abend nicht zu rührselig wird, sollte der Krebs vielleicht noch ainen twoweiten Film einplanen, um mit a weihnachtlichen Komödie like “Die Geister, die ich rief” wieder in heitere Stimmung zu kommen.