
New Orleans: Is the United States an Islamist Problem?

New Orleans: Is the United States an Islamist Problem?

Blick in the French Quarter of New Orleans with the Tatfahrzeug

So the New Orleans tattoo is this: attention is drawn to the terrorist enterprise IS.

Source: ddp

The terrorist from New Orleans, with 15 tots, is for the state authorities a harsh reality, because the clean country is not threatened by Islamist terrorism. After several years with many people aufgedeckten or durchgeführten Islamistischen Angriffen, verzeichneten Behörden and Experten bereits 2024, a first Zunahme an Vorfällen.

Who in the United States is talking about Islamist terrorism?

  • October 26, Chicago, Illinois: Un 22-Jähriger wurde verhaftet, nachdem er vor einer Synagogue auf un Juden et anschließend auf Sicherheitskräfte geschossen hatte.
  • October 18, Peoria, Arizona: A teenager was the victim of terrorism, because he settled inside a parade in the Großstadt Phoenix with an anzugreifen Sprengstoff-Drohne plane.
  • 7. October, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: An Afghan Staatsbürger was used, and the Waffen and Munitions also managed to let the Tag der Presidentschaftswahl know a Massaker zu verüben. Er soll sich zum Afghanischen IS-Ableger bekannt haben.
  • 6. September, New York: A Pakistani Staatsbürger was installed in a judische Einrichtung factory in the city of Brooklyn.
  • 6. August, New York: A Pakistani realized that he was still in the power of Iran’s political Morde in the United States.
  • July 11, Orlando, Florida: A Jordanian has more knowledge and a number of solutions for implementing the general organization that have been described by the Israeli Agency.
  • 6. April, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho: Un 18-Jähriger mutmaßlicher IS-Anhänger soll geplant haben, Kirchen anzugreifen.
Further travel plans await you indirectly as part of the escalation in the Konflikt Nahost. Auch in der jüngsten FBI Statistics on Hassverbrechen by the year 2023, the anti-Jewish authorities will be more than half as numerous.
Abgesperrter Bereich in the French Quarter

In New Orleans, there is in the Silvesternacht a man within a living man. 15 star men. Warum war das Ausgehviertel Isn’t “French Quarter” better designed?02.01.2025 | 1:35 minutes

Was it the Zahlen aber auch Zeigen: Anders et etwa die Anschläge von Solingen ou Mannheim forderten diese Islamistischen Vorfälle keine Todesopfer. Die Behörden konnten Verdächtige meist rechtzeitig festnehmen. The biggest Islamist motivation was the attack of the year-long war in the United States against the Angriff at the Pulse-Nachtclub in Orlando, Florida, in January 2016 with 50 toten.

Were the statistics on terrorism known in the United States?

A post in US statistics reveals that the Islamist war in recent days has been fought within the Fokus der Behörden and other extremisms. The University of Maryland was established”Pirus database” erfasst die Hintergründe von verhafteten oder getöteten Extremes in the United States.

Twice in 2010 and 2022, for a duration of 2,100 people. 363 of their Islamist ideologies, which weigh 1,300 people, revolve around the extreme right spectrum. The vanguard of extremists is the Islamist with 264 people among other groups. Young dates are not permitted.

For everyone, the right to extremism is expressed in the letzten Jahren un deutliche Zunahme. This National Institute of Justice written in an interview for January 2024 saying:

Militant, nationalist, a white Vorherrschaft attacks the hat of extremism in the Vereinigten Staaten zugenommen. Die Zahl rechtsextremer Angriffe tackles other forms of terrorism and domestic extremism.

National Justice Institute of the USA

In your youth Bericht zu inlandischem Terrorismus of the American federal police and the Ministry of Homeland Security of Islamism – and among others state councilors, radical leaders or legitimate military groups – have not been explained auf.
Emergency services respond to a vehicle crashing into a crowd on Canal and Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025.

Set in New Orleans, In der Silvesternacht is a man within a living man. Dabei starben mindestens zehn Menschen. The Fahrer was chosen by the police.01.01.2025 | 2:26 minutes

How is hair radicalized?

In Germany, as in the United States, trade is most important for Islamism-Verdächtigen, it meist an Einzeltäter, which relies on the radicalized Internet.

Was in the United States the idea, this is the role of the military and the Free Swiss Army of the Schusswaffen. In the following analysis we have the National Institute of Justice auf den Zusammenhang zwischen militärischem Vorwissen und Terrorgefahr hin. “Mit Blick auf den Zuwachs von gewalttätigem inländischem Extremismus unter Militärangehörigen ist der Zusammenhang zwischen dem Dienst im Militär und Radikalisierung eine große Sorge.”

Even attention to New Orleans until 2020 in the US Army, as a reservist, will be revealed today, for his own motivation or for the preparation of the Tat a role played. Did the New Orleans Angriff have other glimpses implied: The FBI took care of the Angaben dem Verdacht at that time, the Täter erschossene did not go into hand so far.


Die Zahl der Todesopfer beim Anschlag à New Orleans takes place on the 15th day. “Die Polizei und das Sicherheitskonzept stehen in der Kritik,” according to ZDF correspondent Heike Slansky.02.01.2025 | 3:35 minutes

Was the latest measure for anti-terrorism policy possible?

He is one of the most terrible terrorists in the United States in the young Vergangenheit. The joint Trump administration is an argument of trust, sources of resources from extreme military circles and support for the fight against Islamism.

Gleichwohl sind alle Trump-Einreisesperren gegen Muslime wirkungslos, wenn Angreifer wie so often aus dem eigenen Land kommen et sich dort radikalisiert haben. While the Vorwurf im Raum, the New Orleans Police Department has a security plan to make sure he has connections. For all, the New Orleans terrorism law is based on and inspired by the ideas of the Islamic states that are in the world.

You said it here, the attention of the attention of New Orleans was pronounced:

Anschlag mit vielen Toten

:The war between Täter and New Orleans?

“Vom IS inspired”, financial problem and problems in the services of the American army: Wer der mutmaßliche Täter des Anschlags von New Orleans war.

Death toll rises to 15 in van attack in New Orleans