
Saktiandi Supaat on the Economic Expansion Incentives (Income Tax Relief) (Amendment) Bill

Saktiandi Supaat on the Economic Expansion Incentives (Income Tax Relief) (Amendment) Bill

Is the decision to introduce a new preferential tax rate of 15 percent under the Development and Expansion Incentive (DEI) program taken in view of the new global minimum effective tax rate of 15 percent for large multinational enterprises (MNEs)? What percentage of successful DEI candidates do these MNEs represent? In proposing to extend the DEI for a further five years, how did the government measure the effectiveness of the program against its cost, and how much corporation tax was foregone? These are some of the questions raised by MP Saktiandi Supaat in Parliament on Monday (November 11). He also asked about the proposal to expand the types of projects eligible under the investment allocation scheme and whether this will be reviewed more widely, taking into account new national strategic priorities such as the green economy and promoting AI.