
Microsoft’s KI-Tool for the Kommandozeile in public preview

Microsoft’s KI-Tool for the Kommandozeile in public preview

Microsoft brings the KI jetzt auf die Kommandozeile: The new service “AI Shell” has just been launched in a quick overview for the needs of interest. This tool is intended for all simulation work in your Arbeitsumgebung geben können.
Hacker, Linux, Cybersecurity, Code, Quellcode, Terminal, Shell, Powershell, Ssh, Kommandozeile, Windows Terminal, cmd, Bash, Script, putty

Schnellerer Zugriff

With the new Shell Sollen Benutzer in the Breast Lage, with an intuitive Weise mit verschiedenen en gros Sprachmodellen et KI-Agenten zu interactieren, teilte Microsoft with. The AI ​​Shell offers a range of functions, installation services and IT administrators are:

  • Befehlsschnittstelle: Die Shell namesns “aish” ermöglicht direkten Zugriff auf KI-Funktionen in der Kommandozeile.
  • Rahmenwerk für KI-Agents: Benutzer können eigene KI-Agents erstellen or nutzen integrated agents.
  • PowerShell Integration: A special module for PowerShell designed for the seamless integration of AI Shell and PowerShell.
  • Eingebaute KI-Agents: Mit den vorinstallierten Agents können Nutzer sofort starten.

Deux agents stehen in der Vorschauversion bereits zur Verfügung: Der “Azure OpenAI Agent” offers the Azure OpenAI KI model, a general model for use, from natural business specification to code generation. You need a specific model for Azure OpenAI, an option to protect specific and specific data or individual training dates for users All OpenAI models are available for use.
AI shellAI Shell in Powershell

“Copilot in Azure” provides cloud support based on Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell. It is specially designed for automation. The option for the configuration is a solution with an Azure-Konto, which relies on the IAM-Rollen used.

Two variants

Microsoft offers two variations of the AI ​​Shell: The standalone executable media is a clean date, which corresponds to the use of Shell. I chose PowerShell module for PowerShell 7. This AI-Shell is used in a single window in the command number to open a parallel and clean application for learning.


  • Microsoft offers “AI Shell” for the command committee
  • KI-Tool offers intuitive interaction with models and agents
  • ‘aish’-Befehlsschnittstelle ermöglicht direkten Zugriff auf KI-Funktionen
  • Nutzer können eigene KI-Agents is used or integrated
  • Special PowerShell integration for newer tasks
  • Azure OpenAI Agent and Copilot in Azure are available in preview
  • AI Shell is also a standalone executable and PowerShell module available

See also: