
Knutschen gegen den Krieg: So react to the audience about the musical “Hair” in Innsbruck

Knutschen gegen den Krieg: So react to the audience about the musical “Hair” in Innsbruck

Flower Power and flamboyant FürsprecherInnen freier Liebe: “Hair” at the Tiroler Landestheater is a sumptuous spectacle, which has a sonderlich musical mute. Gesehen haben sollte man es trotzdem.

For your route to Innsbruck at Bezirk:

Verena Langegger

Verena Langegger

+4350403 2162

Michael Domanig

Michael Domanig

+4350403 2561

Renate Perktold

Renate Perktold

+4350403 3302

Proposed themes