
$32 Million Win: End of Support for Windows 10 – Software Update Expert Review

 Million Win: End of Support for Windows 10 – Software Update Expert Review

Microsoft offers a free solution for the Windows 10 operating system in Herbst 2025. Millions of German dollars allow you to update your management system. If you have new software installed, you risk being handed over to big-time security experts.

After a month of 2025, a bigger update will be available on Windows PCs and. Easy to use Windows 10 makes it easy to use, which is perfect for Cyberangryffe.

In Germany, you will have access to security services that will last up to $32 million with Windows 10, until October 14, 2025 for free from Microsoft.

Mit dem Support-Ende liefert Microsoft keine kostenlosen Sicherheitsupdates: Rechner mit Windows 10 werden damit anfälliger for Cyberangiffe, the new Sicherheitslücken nicht more geschlossen werden. There is no problem in troubleshooting without Microsoft Support no longer being free.

Use Windows 11 to use it

“It’s a good thing for you, a security fiasco for April 2025,” said IT security expert Thorsten Urbanski from Eset of the dpa. If you plan to use all solutions, until October you may need to use Windows 11 or an alternative to Windows OS, but the jewels will not be activated in the new OS Windows. “Andernfalls setzen sich Nutzer erheblichen Sicherheitsrisiken aus und machen sich anfällig für gefährliche Cyberangriffe et Datenverluste. »

Beim Umstieg auf a modern and sicheres System sind die Anwender in Deutschland diesmal vergleichsweise spät dran. Urbanski verwies darauf, ass im Vorfeld des vergleichbaren Support-Endes von Windows 7 im Jahr 2020 a deutlich höherer Anteil bereits das malals actuelle Windows 10 installert hatte. It is now available today on one million “Windows-Dinosaurier”, with the full and insecure version of Windows 8.1, 8, 7 or XP.

Microsoft uses Windows 11 software for the different hardware components to be used. You can also use the free Linux operating system or the new Mac-Rechnern study from Apple.

Microsoft announced on the first day of October free support for Windows 10. You also have this private service that you can use at Urbanski. “Die Kosten sind jedoch hoch und steigen mit jedem Jahr der Nutzung um das Doppelte. »
