
Switch-2-Enthüllung ist net, thesst Fans aber weiter auf technische Details warten: Erst die Direct am 2. April dürfte Klarheit verschaffen

Switch-2-Enthüllung ist net, thesst Fans aber weiter auf technische Details warten: Erst die Direct am 2. April dürfte Klarheit verschaffen

Nintendo has launched the Switch 2 according to recent speculation and numerous leaks from official leaks. The new console has been designed in a first presentation, as well as in the design and some classic features of your preferences. Fans can be sure from more information about Nintendo, the Nintendo will have a special day to launch the Nintendo Direct on April 2, 2025.

Altbewährtes Design trifft auf modern Features

The Switch 2 is still in a überarbeiteten design, the most original of the original Switch. This concerns in particular all compatibility standards, digital as well as physical games of the Switch. Somit können Fans ihre bestehende Spielesammlung weiterhin nutzen. This is a first look at a new Mario Kart, most practical as a launch title. More details, such as technical specifications or gameplay innovations, will not be available until now when the Nintendo Direct is broadcast on Nintendo Direct. Initial community reactions have been positive and the Nintendo changes have been combined with new features.

One click in the direction of Switch 2

The Nintendo Direct will take place on April 2, 2025 and the Nintendo console will be available. Neben an overview of technical features and prices, for fans in a list of launch titles. This is a first leak linked to the price of the new Nintendo console. Erwartet werden neben einem new Mario Kart The Switch-2 version of Metroid Prime 4 is also a new 3D Mario game. Parallel dazu plant Nintendo eine “World Tour”between fans from April to June events happened, the Switch 2 and their games were tested for the first time. The Zeitraum du Tour must now be designed, the console is not planned for the last two months of 2025.

With compatible performance and credible games like Mario Kart, Metroid and a new Mario-Abenteuer, Nintendo can use new options to create a fresh breeze in the contribution of the Gaming-Community. The Nintendo Direct took place in April with clear explanations of prices, benchmarks and gambling. The Switch 2 has the potential, more and more fans for the credible Nintendo-Konsole.