
The unexpected political relevance of McDonald’s McFlurry machines

The unexpected political relevance of McDonald’s McFlurry machines

There were a few surprises in the 2024 presidential election, but among the strangest was how often we ended up talking about McDonald’s.

Donald TrumpFor example, spent a large part of the race obsessed with Kamala Harris having worked in a McDonald’s when she was a student. The former president also held a weird publicity stunt in a franchise in Pennsylvania. A few weeks ago, the Republican even claimed that McDonald’s had confirmed his unproven claims about the Democratic vice president, but like so many of his claims, it wasn’t true.

But in case that’s not the case enough Enough, the McDonald’s/elections connection added another unexpected data point this week.

This past weekend, Trump used his social media platform to present to the public a campaign promise he had never made before. “WHEN I AM PRESIDENT, MCDONALD ICE MACHINERY WILL WORK GREAT AGAIN!” » the GOP candidate wrote.

It turns out the Biden administration was ahead of him. As Mother Jones reportedit was Lina Khan, chair of the Federal Trade Commission, who actually did what the Republican said he would do.

The day before Trump’s proclamation, the U.S. Copyright Office announced a new copyright exemption that will grant certain small business owners and franchisees – like those who operate the 13,000 McDonald’s in the United States – the “right to repair” machines in their own stores. . Last March, the FTC submitted a comment to the U.S. Copyright Office requesting an expansion of the right to repair certain equipment, including commercial software service equipment.

McDonald’s has long been the subject of jokes because the ice machines in their restaurants – which make, among other things, McFlurries – have a reputation for not working. The reason is a bit complicated.

To summarize briefly, the machines were manufactured by the Taylor company, and under current lawonly authorized Taylor Company technicians can repair them without voiding the warranty. The result was a large number of broken machines at franchises across the country.

Like NBC News’ “Today” explained this weekThe US Copyright Office has now “granted a copyright exemption that gives restaurants like McDonald’s the ‘right to repair’ broken machines by circumventing digital locks that prevent them from being repaired by anyone other than its manufacturer.

The policy came into effect on Monday.

The broader trend, meanwhile, is worth appreciating as President Joe Biden prepares to retire.

Asset try to deliver an infrastructure package, while Biden successful on the issue.

Asset try advance legislation to combat gun violence, while Biden successful on the issue.

Trump said he would use Medicare to negotiate lower prescription drug costs, while Biden successful on the issue.

Trump said he knows how to negotiate a series of bipartisan deals, while Biden I managed to do it.

Asset try to generate record job growth, while Biden successful on the issue.

And Trump announced his intention to ensure that McDonald’s ice cream machines work again, while the Biden administration succeeded in doing so.