
New functions for the start menu and task list for everyone

New functions for the start menu and task list for everyone

After preview, Microsoft throws out optional options Windows 11-Update for November veröffentlicht. The update brings items to the start menu and task list. You can enjoy an optimized touchscreen setup and improved mouse support position.
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New features for Windows 11

If you have left the other parts, you have to put them in place. Microsoft is optional Update KB5046732 for Windows 11 22H2 and 23H2 freigegeben. The construction numbers are 22621.4541 and 22631.4541.

Interesting information is the new features of the task list and start menu. Then, under the Haube, you will be able to take advantage of it and the small ones will be removed. The update is an automatic optional update, which was launched for all users during Patch-Day in December.

Diesen Monat Etwas Anders

This is an optional update available on that day and then the Windows team is allowed to do so. End of days and a break.

Windows 11 Home Edition version 22H2 has been available since October, usually with larger optional updates – Microsoft is only available for 23H2 or 22H2 Business and Education aus. This update is not necessarily relevant for quality issues. We can easily make updating easy and updates can take advantage of Patch-Day.

Optional update KB5046732 is an early update or optional update. Microsoft offers these updates under the heading “C-Updates”.

The following release notes are presented by the Windows team:

New functions:

  • Start menu: Applications, the start menu appears and goes to right-click on your Jump-Listen and.
  • To-do list: Das Systemtray zeigt nun ein verkürztes Datum und eine Uhrzeit. Außerdem wird das Glockensymbol für Benachrichtigungen ausgeblendet, wenn der “Nicht stören” – Modus activiert ist. These ideas can be found in the context menu or system options.
  • Touchscreen: A new option is available, the touchscreen is connected to a link or a correct image display is disabled.
  • But: Die Einstellungen wurden erweitert, sodass Nutzer die verbesserte Mauszeigerpräzision deaktivieren et die Scrollrichtung ändern können.
  • Task-Manager: The Task-Manager supports the Dunkel mode and the time im Performance-Bereich of the type of the festival platform.
  • Datei-Explorer: You can directly go to Explorer or your desktop computer to create an Android device, then the Phone-Link app is set up.
  • Narrator: New features such as link springs (“N”) and listen springs (“L”) allow you to navigate web pages and documents.


  • Motherboard-Austausch: Problem with Windows activation on a motherboard-Tausch wurden behoben.
  • Taskleiste: When the “Taskleiste automatisch ausblenden” option is active, it is used by Suchfeld as Icon as Leiste.
  • Datei-Explorer: Platzierungsprobleme in der Linken Navigation et ein abgeschnittenes Suchfeld in verkleinerten Fenstern wurden corrigiert.

Please note that the contents of the new nuts are not gleichzeitig für alle Nutzer. Microsoft defines a simplified deployment, a potential problem that may arise to identify. There is no automatic update possible, but the manual update method from the installation manual.

Do you have optional updates for Windows 11? Where were your functions found exactly what suits you and were you closed today? And now we have some details in the comments!


  • Windows 11 KB5046732 optional update with new information available
  • The start menu appears in the playlist right on selected applications
  • Taskleiste mit gekürzter Data- und Uhrzeitanzeige als Standard
  • Verbesserte Touchscreen-Bedienung et anpassbare Maussteuerung
  • Directly sent by Android device to Date Explorer
  • Task-Manager supports Dunkelmodus in new Dialogen
  • Sicherheitsverbesserungen durch ‘Less preferred application containers’

See also: