
Why will IA lead the next energy transition

Why will IA lead the next energy transition

Since policies and regulations are adjusted to reflect a new presidential administration, the United States must release its full energy potential by adopting nuclear energy. With historically slow opinions and regulations to adapt, the impulse for nuclear energy may depend on technological societies whose breed for artificial intelligence (AI) can finally solve the green energy crisis. Even if AI never reaches the world of modifying the potential of its promise of defenders, it could still hold the key to our future.


The energy requested by the development and use of AI is enormous, and the source of many hikes among people concerned by the environment. Never before had there been such an apparent and dichotomous division on the road between our technological future and our environment. The AI ​​needs energy – and its growing needs are, to a certain extent, satisfied by coal -fired power plants and fossil fuels which accelerate the already dangerous trends in global climate change. A future of AI seems to be the one that is done at the expense of our environment. (Legend id = “attachment_228781” align = “alignleft” width = “216”)

Chris Yoko(/ Legend) Admittedly, dependence on inherited energy sources could be the way that the new Trump administration drops the country. His candidate for the Energy Secretary, Chris Wright, who was confirmed on February 3, seems to be willing to adopt all forms of energy production, including natural gas and nuclear. In order to maintain the competitive advantage of the nation in the AI ​​breed, the new energy secretary could trigger all the coal power plants in the country, especially if he is hampered in his attempt to kiss nuclear energy . The problem: it would still not be enough. The simple formation of these AI models consumes enormous amounts of energy; An estimate indicates that the energy required to form the GPT-3 is the same as that consumed each year by 130 American houses. And it’s not even the last model. Access the next step in the development of AI – AGE or ASI – will require more energy than the United States currently has access. The recent executive decree of the Biden administration on IA energy production highlights the extent of the problems faced by the IA evolution infrastructure. Standard renewable energy forms cannot measure. Even coated with solar panels, the world would not be able to provide enough solar energy to ensure the possible requirements of the growing AI. This is why nuclear is considered the next obvious step of energy development – and in many respects, this should be the consensual choice for America. Capitalists get their energy and environmentalists get a clean source. This emerging dynamic is the dream of each politician on the free market: the market finally forced the energy transition. But nuclear societies cannot go as far as they are only on their own. As the Trump administration takes power, it is increasingly clear that the construction of nuclear energy capacities will be a question of national security, as well as competitiveness, over the next 10 years. China has increased its investment in nuclear energy, and other nations are likely to follow the step, because the whole world wakes up on the clear energy requirements of the AI. Right now, Big Tech opens the way; They are in a arms race with each other, and their enormous size and their deep pockets mean that they are the only ones with the capital necessary to change them. Last year was strewn with major titles on large technological companies that invest and buy contracts with nuclear energy suppliers. Microsoft wants to reopen the island of three miles while Amazon And Google invest in their own smaller reactors. Meta, on the other hand, has an active “request for proposals” open to the source and the production of its own nuclear energy. Nuclear is no longer strictly in the field of government investment; In the same way, spatial exploration has been marketed and extended to the masses, the same goes for nuclear becoming an essential solution for companies that seek to feed their innovations on AI. Of course, this does not mean that government support would not be a relief. Especially since AI becomes more vital for everything, from medicine to the bank via the army, the government must have tokens on the table. This could be the great push that the environmental movement was waiting for. With so much conduct on the development of AI, the government can intervene, by supporting its commitment to large technological companies by supporting them in their nuclear energy efforts. The question of energy is, in many ways, a continuation of the law on historical fleas, which has invested billions of dollars to help bring the manufacture of chips in American nuclear energy is an integral part of this conversation . Having the US government as a partner will be particularly important because nuclear energy strives to overcome perception problems and regulatory concerns. The thrust of the three -thousand of Microsoft has certainly removed the eyebrows from those who still remember the initial disaster, although the safety of nuclear power plants has increased considerably over the decades. There is also the cost problem. In its attempts to reinvest in nuclear, the state of Georgia spent billions of dollars by building two new factories, Vogtle plant expansion At a cost that is certainly not lasting because the world is responsible. Of course, nuclear energy is not renewable; Finally, the Uranium stores of the earth will run out unless the experts find a way to make nuclear energy more effective – a goal that certainly seems possible with a larger investment and discovery. Frankly, there are no other good options. With AI growth and expansion at its current rate, energy production simply does not follow. More effective energy sources are vital, and balance energy investment with the ambitions of Big Tech AI will be a key problem for the next presidential administration. Nuclear energy is an essential element of the future of AI – the one we have the power to direct. Chris Yoko is the founder / CEO of Consulting Yoko And Carbon.