
Young adults and trans parents continue the orders of Trump restricting transitional care

Young adults and trans parents continue the orders of Trump restricting transitional care

Tuesday, two young transgender adults and five families of trans minors Prohibit federal health care funding related to the transition For anyone under 19 and Define sex as biologicalOnly male and feminine and immutable.

“The decrees have been issued with the openly discriminatory aim of preventing transgender people from expressing a different gender identity from their designated sex at birth – and expressing government disapproval of transgender people who, by definition, have a gender identity that does not align with their designated sex at birth ”, the trial States. “These ordinances are part of an effort on the level of the Government of the Trump administration to restrict legal protections and essential services for the Transgender community.”

One of the complainants, Kristen Chapman, said that she and her family had moved to Virginia in the summer of 2023 after their original state in Tennessee adopted a law prohibiting medical care affirming the sexes for minors trans Like her 17 -year -old daughter, Willow. The family has struggled to find a supplier in Virginia who would accept Medicaid, which is a government program for health care for people with limited income. Chapman said that the family had paid Willow’s care out of his pocket, but he became “prohibitive”. After trying for a few months, she said that they had finally been able to make an appointment for January 29 at the VCU Medical Center in Richmond, who would take Medicaid.

“The day before our appointment, President Trump signed the executive decree in this case. The next day, just a few hours before our appointment, VCU told us that they would not be able to provide care in Willow, “Chapman said in a statement shared by ACLU. “I thought Virginia would be a safe place for me and my daughter. Instead, my heart is broken, tired and frightened.

The trial, filed with the district court of the district of Maryland, requests that a judge immediately blocks the decrees, which, according to them, are illegal and unconstitutional because the president does not have the power to retain the federal funds which have was previously approved by the Congress. The pursuit also maintains that the order of transitional care violates the fundamental rights of parents and the rights of trans persons of less than 19 medical conditions.

The White House and the Ministry of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comments.

The American Civil Liberties Union, Lambda Legal, Aclu du Maryland and private law firms Hogan Lovells and Jenner & Block have deposited the pursuit on behalf of families and young adults who are all members of PFLA NATIONAL , a non -profit organization that supports friends and families of LGBTQ people. PFLAG and GLMA, the largest national association in LGBTQ and health professionals Allied, some of which have retained federal funds under orders, are also appointed applicants.

Omar Gonzalez-Pagan, principal lawyer and health care strategist for Legal Lambda, described the orders “morally reprehensible and manifestly illegal”.

“The federal government – in particular, this administration – does not have the right to fit into conversations and decision -making which rightly belongs to patients, families and their medical suppliers” , he said in a statement. “This large side condemns young transgender people to extreme and unnecessary pain and sufferings, and for minors, he submits their parents to a favorable animated in the care of their child – while refusing them access to the same care Medically recommended health which is easily accessible to their non -transgender peers. »»

One of the orders, “Defend women against extremism of gender ideology and restore biological truth to the federal government“Said that the American government will only recognize two sexes, men and women, and that” these sexes are not modifiable and are based on a fundamental and indisputable reality “. It prohibits agencies from promoting gender ideology and maintains that it “will defend the rights of women and protect freedom of conscience using a clear and precise language and policies that recognize that women are biologically female, and men are biologically male ”.

The other order in question in the trial, entitled “Protect children from chemical and surgical mutilation“, Prohibits federal funding from covering medical care related to transition – including puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgery – for children, which he defines as those over 19 years of age. Children’s chemical and surgical mutilation, ”says order.

The scanning order could affect more than programs that received federal funds. For example, he also ordered the Secretary for Health and Social Services to modify article 1557 of the Act respecting affordable care, which prohibits discrimination of health care and, therefore, required health insurance plans under the law to cover the care related to the transition. He also asked the director of the personnel management office to prohibit trans health care for minors in federal benefits of benefits for the health of employees and health services for 2026.

The order argues that the country has the obligation to protect children from “irreversible medical interventions”.

“Innumerable children soon regret that they have been mutilated and begin to grasp the horrible tragedy that they will never be able to design children on their own. This alleys without citing evidence that the “medical invoices of these young people can increase throughout their lives, because they are often trapped with medical complications for life, a losing war with their own body and, tragically, sterilization . “

More than Half of the States in the United States have already adopted measures to restrict the care related to the minors, but since Trump’s order last week, a certain number of hospitals in the States without these restrictions have stopped such care for patients less than 19 years old or have announced that they are examining it. The White House announced on Monday in a press release that hospitals new York,, Colorado,, Virginia,, Illinois,, Pennsylvania And Washington, DChave suspended or announced that they are examining their transitional care programs for minors.

Although Trump’s order seeks to restrict this transitional care implies that this is a generalized threat to children, recent research has shown that a small number of minors really access this type of care. A study published in Jama Pediatrics in January revealed that Less than 0.1% of teenagers with private insurance In the United States, the United States is transgender or sex-sex and are prescribed puberty blockers or hormones affirming sex.

Most of the main medical associations, such as American Medical AssociationTHE American Academy of Pediatrics and the American psychological associationSupport access to transitional care for minors and oppose restrictions on this subject.

Trump has published several decrees in his first two weeks in power who seek to restrict Trans rights. In addition to the two mentioned in the trial, he also signed an order prohibiting trans persons from enlisting and serving in the army. At least three other proceedings were filed against these orders – two of transgender women serving in a federal prison which would be refused transitional care under the order and transferred to men’s prisons and One of the members of the Transgender Service And those who seek to enlist. A The judge blocked prison officials To transfer one of the transformation on Sunday.