
Sognare cavalli: meaning and interpretation of sogno

Sognare cavalli: meaning and interpretation of sogno

Sognare Cavalli is a very diffuse dreamlike image rich in symbolic rimandi. Interpreting a being in relation to this animal may however not compete because it is simple: we understand what represents the horse in its being and what means riveste.

What does it mean that you are Cavalli?

Sognare i cavalli è un’immagine dreamica powerful And highly evocative, it can assume various significant symbols in the second place of the life of the sognator and the emotions which are associated with this animal. In general, when we compare a horse in itself and in rimandi plus comuni includono it sense of freedomIenergythere vitalitystrength and he desire for independence.

The horse expresses, infatti, the way to explore the circumstantial space in total autonomy, strength, physical presence and passion: second CG Jung he Cavallo, owner in virtù della significativa existing componentsarebbe to consider coming a Colleague between the most rational and logical parts and what is unconsciously of the human being.

For the famous Swiss psychoanalyst, quindi, he sogna una cavallo potrebbe in qualche modo riconoscere nell’animale la representation of the own unconsciousit is an indomitable and irrational force that strives for total freedom. The horse, everyone, can also have another symbolic symbol.

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Esso is still a guide and helper for human being (Not a case where we start by going off in a group with a horse to explore the world), as for this animal, it can be seen as a kind of psychological support at the level of helping the person in his body of psychological development.

Non bisogna dimenticare inoltre, che heal a horse expresses strengthenergy and vital carica of the sognatore. So that this animal does not constitute a symbol of sexual drive (as Freud thought), but of the dynamism and creativity of individuals.

It means the symbol of horses nei sogni

Sognare Cavalli is a dreamlike image that can be associated with various interpretations. This animal expresses energy, power of the istintithe physical presence and the voglia di libertà. Comparing yourself nei sogni può quindi will symbolize the presence (or mancanza) of these fundamental aspects of the sognatore’s life.

UN imbrigliato horse The scalpita to free the costs of taxes that taxpayers can representinsufficiency that the individual proves when confronted with certain impositionsthe gentleness of non-potre is still there where the horse in sleep is free from nature, the image can have a view as the representation of the property istinctual part who comes to be freed to express without brake.

Think that the horse always represents a strong symbolic symbol, at that moment, this animal is actually the representation of its own beings. If you compare the imbizzarrito or the infastidito tile briglie, it may appear as a avvertimento launched by the unconscious owner: significa, infatti, che un parte di sé (ovvero quela più irrazionale e libera) vive eccessivamente costretta et le andrebbe lasciato più spazio.

Horsemanship It’s another dreamlike image with meaning: it’s expressed if it’s there strength and the healer abilitywhich is at a degree of balance and which allows daring a precise direction of the animal, due to the destructive capacity of the effects, which is the most reasonable and the most current.

Cavalcare means aver appreso come dominate I own the istinti And serving you to advance in your own path of growth, which is found in sleep if you are looking for a gift, means that it is the arrival of deserved success and recognition of one’s own efforts.

Sognare cavalli: the possibilities of interpretation

To correctly interpret a sense of the company of the horse, it is necessary to refer to all the personal characteristics of the sognator (the fact that the person of the animal quest is an element of attention) and various the details that make up the image dreamlike.

In the case of the horse a relevant aspect is the color of the coat. It is white in the genre of the rimando, it is to the nobility, the strength and the pride of the animal, while it is black and can represent the most existing part, which, here, cannot be controlled.

We will show you more common images associated with the horse and possible interpretations:

Sognare cavalli che corrono

Sognare cavalli that the corrono represents a desire for freedomAnd in exchange for the deepest parts of one’s life, the desire to release one’s impulse and fully experience the different facets of one’s own personality.

Si tratta di un’immagine onirica very positive There is a consideration to take into account: in one’s own everyday existence, the caregiver must ensure that he is spazio all’istinto and ensures that his property is sensed.


Heed a white horse

A white horse in his heart enjoys the nobilitycreativity, pride and strength: if there is a path to it meant positive which, at the time when it behaves with animals, can symbolize the capacity of the individual to face a great inner strength.

Sognare cavalli bianchi that the corrono liberi opure that the interaction harmonicamente is a dreamlike image that predicting fortune and the ability to overcome difficult situations.


Take care of a brown horse

Second molti, sognare cavalli brunei symbolizes it perfect balance between current property more recondita (associated with the black coat of the animal) and what logic (white coat); the brown horse is a perfect synthesis of the opposite tendency to what is entirely in the human soul, which generally has a positive meaning.


Take care of a black horse

It is not said that the black horse in one’s thoughts has a negative meaning, but it must be for sure. strong current component che dev’essere presa in consideration.

You could represent your desire for new experiences and more contact with nature, as well as the presence of irrational parties, nascosti impulses and desires that do not find space in everyday life.


Sognare cavalli neri imbizzarriti can be an example that symbolizes a great condition insufficiency: the person feels costretta in a road that does not represent them completely and can still feel like Gabbia.

Caring for a horse

Second he celebrates the father of psychology Sigmond Freudsognare di cavalcare a horse avrebbe a rimando sessuale.

The atto di cavalcare symbolizes the sessional relationship, in which it comes to release a great vital energy, but which does not sound in agreement with the components left in the session; by Jung, for example, cavalcare is sì un’Association associated with dynamism and lifebut in a way that is not always necessary sessuale.


Sognare una testa di cavallo

What is sogno ha un meant negative ed probably expresses a big angst The atmosphere of the soul of the sognator: the test is associated with the spirit, more and more reason, which has an animal test marked with a symbol problems at the logical activity level e cerebral.

Numbers associated with Sognare Cavalli

Sound quality lucky numbers the game when so sognano i cavalli? Second, Smorfia napoletana includes:

  • 24horse;
  • 78cavalry;
  • 62cavallo imbizzarrito;
  • 4black horse;
  • 14white horse;
  • 60gray horse;
  • 61horse with the ali;
  • 21brown horse;
  • 19caduta da cavallo.