
“Aiutateci, I had a difficult time”

“Aiutateci, I had a difficult time”

Learning moments for the friends of Massimo Raffi, the 42nd judicial guard compared to Montelibretti. If you are traveling by car and the last area of ​​your state is Torrevecchia in Roma. I’m going through a difficult time.

Massimo Raffi

Massimo Raffi

Massimo Raffi is compared to Montelibrettipiccolo centro in the province of Rome. Quarantadue anni e giurata giuratano if you have more news from you, Tuesday at the beginning of January 2025. Second as for the end of construction, you own the house and you are traveling with your car Audi A/4 black, targata CP458HR. L’ultimo luogo noto in cui si è recato è a Roma, in Torrevecchia area. Dopo alcuni contactatti telefonici a smesso di dare notizie e sino sono perse su su tracce.

I not only know nothing and do not riuscendo more in contact with him, concerned about their house business which has not denounced the comparison of the police and its share the risk, if it concerns a voluntary investment.

Je suoi cari Hanno launched an equally committed appeal Peneleope Lazio Odvthe association which offers services to families and friends of loved ones. “Aiutateci a ritrovare Massimo, potrebbe trovarsi in difficoltà,because it was going through a difficult period.” I passed a note outside my house, the hope is that is good and that can allow you to fight back right away.

The identity of Massimo Raffi

Massimo Raffi at the time of the comparison has already been quarantined for years. It’s 1.68 meters tall, with castani eyes and hair, as you see in the photo. There’s no particular notoriety in terms of recognition, but it’s like it’s an item of clothing at that moment, if that’s all. Chiunque avesse visto Massimo Raffi is ready to report the notice and provide information, calling the force of order at the Single Emergency Number 112 available Pronto Penelope at 339 6514799 also on Whats App. Every detail can be useful for the ritrovarlo.
