
Glühwein-Alternative: This trendy drink towards our jetzt die Weihnachtszeit

Glühwein-Alternative: This trendy drink towards our jetzt die Weihnachtszeit

Der Duft von Zimt, Äpfeln und warmen Gewürzen gehört einfach zur Weihnachtszeit dazu. We offer you the classic iced wine or the best, so we can have the perfect alternative: warm Lillet apple pie. This wohlschmeckende drink brings a erfrischende drink Abwechslung auf den winterlichen Tisch et macht jede gesellige Runde noch gemütlicher.

Trendy drink in winter: Das Rezept für den Lillet Hot Apple Pie

The warm Lillet apple tart combines the fruity notes of Lillet Blanc and apfelsaft with a height of lemon and the winter aroma of zimt and anise. Das Ergebnis is a hot and flavored drink, which is perfectly perfect during the hours spent and war over the weekend.

For this Trend-Drink you can enjoy the following recipes:

Azafran BIO Ceylon Zimt Zimtstangen 10 cm 20 Stk.

Price : ab approx. 11 euros


The perfect Glühwein-Alternative

The warm Lillet apple pie is not an alternative to the classic sweet wine, but it is also another hinge of your Weihnachtsfeier. It is a generalized topic, the sweet festive stimulation and the arrival of a holiday in all genius situations. Besides, don’t you want these new trendy drinks to be tested and used by you? To your health – auf eine besinnliche Vorweihnachtszeit!