
Donald Trump: “Is it das ein Witz? » After the Trumps and Prahlerei toppled Biden, they did

Donald Trump: “Is it das ein Witz? » After the Trumps and Prahlerei toppled Biden, they did

Diesen Sieg will ensure that Donald Trump leaves at the head of the Fahnen schreiben lassen. Während sich “The Don” and Retter in the Not inszeniert, flippt Noch-US-President Joe Biden bei this Trump-Prahlerei formlich aus.

  • Donald Trump Will this Lorbeeren not be able to do so?
  • “The Don” says: Nur wegen ihm kommen die Hamas-Free Geiseln
  • Donald Trump established himself as Retter – by the next page Joe Biden aus

These Lorbeeren will naturally be Donald Trump not able to do this. The American president-elect found himself today in the wealth of Hamas, and it is “lost wood”, when the citizens were not consulted on January 20 so that their families were safe, and there has even more. In Versalien verkündete er auf der von ihm mitgegründeten Plattform Truth Social: “Wir haben eine Einigung für die Geiseln im Nahen Osten” and “Sie werden in Kürze freigelassen. Danke.”

Read them again today:

Donald Trump says: We don’t know how to free Hamas-Geiseln

For Donald Trump, there are two days of celebration, Hamas members must fight freely. Er self dafür gesorgt, ließ er bei Social truth durchblicken.

  • “This particular position of the American army is found in our historic headquarters in November, because it is of the world organization signaled, by my regulation of the Frieden and the abdominals aushandeln würde, for the security of the Americans and ours. I am happy that Americans and Israelis are taking care of their families and friends.”
  • “Wir haben schon si viel erreicht, ohne im Weißen Haus zu sein. Stellen Sie sich nur all die wunderbaren Dinge vor, die geschehen werden, wenn ich in Weiße Haus zurückkehre and my Regierung vollständig bestätigt ist, damit sie weitere Siege für die Vereinigten Staaten I can I be wrong!”

Donald Trump established himself as Retter – through Joe Biden

It’s a vision, the man worries about the beer of the Trump-Gegner, so that it is natural and he cannot do it. As Mid-American President Joe Biden has just entered one of Donald Trump’s biggest government departments, he could stop there.

  • “Ist das ein Witz? Wissen Sie, das ist genau die Vereinbarung, die ich je suis im Mai vorgeschlagen hatte,” Biden said at the Trump-Prahlerei.
  • Biden said further, many different people and commodity information. The president-elect of the United States and his own interlocutors will naturally cling to them.

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