
3 Forgotten friendship skills any woman can benefit from learning | Kelly Rudolph

3 Forgotten friendship skills any woman can benefit from learning | Kelly Rudolph

I have always been a very positive and outgoing woman, but I have lived most of my life without positive female friendships. So I decided to make a concerted effort to cultivate friendships with healthy, inspiring and communicative women.

I learned a lot by putting this project. Not just how to make friends, but also on myself.

Here are 3 forgotten friendship skills any woman can benefit from learning

1. Be the type of friend you would like to have

So you need to become the type of woman you want to befriend. To avoid women in need, do not be in need. If you want confident friends, you will have to avoid confidence yourself.

This first step presents great advantages because when you become the type of woman you want as ani, you become your own positive and positive friend. Think about it. If you want to be with someone who inspires, trust, lives with a goal and has developed healthy communication, think of the big company in which you will be when you become this woman. As Dr Wayne Dyer Said, “You can’t be alone if you like the person you are alone with.”

Becoming your best friend is very important because attracting female positive friendships can take some time. You may need to go alone to social functions from time to time until you attract friends you are looking for. It will be much more fun and will help you strengthen your confidence if, in addition to feeling good about yourself, you feel good with yourself, as Presented in Women & Therapy Journal.

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2. Trust the process

Friends hug and trust the process via shutterstock

Note it Characteristics you want in a friend. We have already discussed some vouchers above, so do not hesitate to start with them. Then visualize a funny lunch date in a cafe or a weekend getaway with your friends. You might like to start with single friends so that you can bounce back around dating strategies together.

Remember that friendship is a process. You can encourage and support your friends and they will do the same for you. Sometimes the conversation will be equal and sometimes it will be that of you who needs help. When you become the woman you want to be, it will become a piece of cake.

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3. Trust your intestine

Intestinal feelings are survival instincts with which we were born. The work of our instinct is to keep us alive. If that seems a little hard for this subject, allow me to explain how your intestine is essential to what we are talking about.

Since intestinal feelings (you can call them instincts or the intuition of women) before logic and politeness, your intestine is raw and true and will always lead you in the right direction. The only time we are in trouble is when we ignore or have our instinct.

Life coach Jean Walters Developed: “Each of us has a link with our internal guidance system. It is always present and available. This intuitive direction is always active and speaks to us. Where you have lost your wallet), a panel (you hit each stop at each intersection or a book that you must read falls on your head), or an knowledge (an absolute definitive feeling of the way things are really). You lightness.

As a former personal security coach and self -defense instructor, I have always taught people to recognize, trust and follow their intestinal feelings. It is a three -step process, as is the culture of positive female friends. If you miss a step, the process will not work.

These are my three steps to Cultivate positive female friendships And you may wonder why it’s about you. This is because it is the case. If we do not currently have the type of friends we would like to have, something in us needs to adjust. It’s really so simple and I’m talking about experience.

I have in their fifties and I have the best the most positive female friendships I have had in all my life and they become deeper and more significant every day, so I know how important these friendships are for women .

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Kelly Rudolph is a certified and hypnotherapist life coach who helps his customers manage stress and experience personal growth thanks to greater confidence.