
WHO should not help monitor

WHO should not help monitor

Culex quinquefasciatus/photo alliance, image broker, G. Lacz

Geneva – Elf Länder auf dem amerikanischen Kontinent est mittlerweile vom Oropouche-Virus Betroffen. There are three Länder et un Gebiet mehr als noch in August these years, like the world organization (WHO) kürzlich mitteilte. Angesichts der starken Verbreitung et möglichen neuen Übertragungswegen forderte die WHO betroffene Länder auf, das Virusgeschehen stärker zu überwachen.

Until November 25, 2024, there are 11,634 best Krankheitsfälle sowie 2 Todesfälle gegeben. The large tents are located in the regions of South and Central America between: Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru. Goods imported by carriers will be registered in the United States, Canada and the Cayman Islands.

Mit knapp 10,000 Fällen ist Brasilien am schwersten betroffen. 70% of infections are recorded in the Amazon region, where the Oropouche virus (OROV) is endemic. Laut einer Publication von Forschenden de l’Institut Fiocruz in Brasilien war die Infektionsrate bis zum August 2024 schon 58.8-mal höher as the median Rate in den letzten zehn Jahren (Lancet infectious diseases 2024, DOÏ: 10.1016/S1473-3099(24)00619-4).

“The arbovirus season in the region begins, so WHO takes care of the Länder auf, epidemiological and entomological surveillance of surveillance and preventive measures in surveillance of intensification,” says the organization.

WHO must address the entire global risk of OROV at the Ebony regional level as the highest, at the Ebony global level but also at the global level. In the European region, there are 30 hours registered with travelers till date.

The combinations are simple, but can be applied in the form of auftreten aseptic meningitis. All symptoms are unspecified and are also linked to dengue virus infection with infections caused by dengue virus and blood diseases.

Allergies warn WHO of new vectors and current trends. The first days were during this year, Schwangeren viruses auf ihre ungeborenen Kinder festgestellt – three in Brazil and one in Cuba. Two children died and two died from the abnormal genital infection.

Additionally, several Übertragungsfälle werden zurzeit untersucht. A group of experts in disease prevention and new intervention measures knows a genetic verification of viruses within the Fiocruz Institute in its publication.

Like the dengue virus or the Zika virus, there are oropouches for arboviruses. Überträger sind bestimmte Mückenarten, die in Süd- und Mittelamerika vorkommen: Culicoides paraensis (Familie der Gnitzen). Another Überträger is the Culex quinquefasciatus-Mücken. © mim/