
Princess Kate as “Person of the Jahres” nominated

Princess Kate as “Person of the Jahres” nominated

Big book for Princess Kate (42): Renowned magazine “Time” is on the shortlist for the initial “Person of 2024” exhibition. Damit gehört sie zu den zehn einflussreichsten Persönlichkeiten des ans. The Entscheidung will take place on December 12, 2024.

The “Time”-Magazin is interested in the außergewöhnliche Aufmerksamkeit hervor, Kate dies this year auf sich zog – and she is not living up to her royal dreams. Ihre öffentliche Bekanntgabe einer Krebsdiagnose im Januar löste weltweit Mitgefühl und Bewunderung aus. During a schwierigen phase, in the speculations on your Gesundheitszustand die Runde machten, brachte die Ehefrau von Prince William (42) mit einer mutigen Erklärung Klarheit. In September I will ask you to make sure your chemotherapy has already taken place. The Princess of Wales did not find herself in a place for transparency and elegance, but she did find herself with an interesting discussion about private space with more important personal relationships.

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Princess Kate

Keine Unbekannte bei “Time”

This is not the first evil that Catherine from “Time” has suffered. Bereits 2013 is included in the prestigious list of “Time100”, which corresponds to the evolution of personalities of the Reich over the years. Zudem war is 2011 one of the finalists for the “Person of the Years”. The shortlist is a very precise selection. Neben Catherine zählen sous anderem Donald Trump (78), Elon Musk (53), Kamala Harris (60) and Julia Nawalnaja (48), the Witwe des verstorbenen russian Oppositionellen Alexei Nawalny (†47), zu den Nominierten.

© Time

Harry and Meghan

Meghan, the Princess Royal of Wales, is involved in the transition events in the sewage circle. The 2018 war is nominated, you must use it. Gemeinsam mit Prince Harry (40) will be available in 2021 on the “Time100” list and will be available on the cover of ausgabe. The title “Person of the Years” belongs to Elon Musk.

© Time

Taylor Swift

I went years to Pop-Sensation Taylor Swift (34) for “Nobody Years”.