
Corning pot stores go up in smoke

Corning pot stores go up in smoke

The question of whether or not to allow brick-and-mortar cannabis establishments in Corning has been discussed within the city council several times over the years. Most recently, the current city council has addressed the topic at three regular meetings.

According to City Attorney Collin Bogener, SB-1186 prevents cities across the state from imposing regulations that have the effect of prohibiting the delivery of medical cannabis in municipal jurisdictions.

He explained that the city may adopt and enforce reasonable regulations on in-store or non-storefront retail delivery of cannabis, related to municipal code, security or public health and safety, licensing, collection state/local taxes and regulations consistent with the State Department of Cannabis. Control.

The last discussion and instructions to city staff regarding in-store cannabis stores took place on Oct. 22, when the council decided by consensus that now was not the time to open marijuana stores in town.

City Councilor Shelly Hargens said she was once supportive of the idea, but changed her position after speaking with dozens of business owners and city residents who were overwhelmingly against the proposal.

Councilman Dave Demo has consistently expressed opposition to the idea of ​​having pot shops in town, and Mayor Robert Snow has also said he is not in favor of it.

As required by state law, Corning permits delivery of medical cannabis within its jurisdiction.