
3 out of 15 The new episodes of the new Amazon series have an angelic character

3 out of 15 The new episodes of the new Amazon series have an angelic character

The three Pac-Man films, The Outer Worlds and New World were the best received. Images: Amazon Prime Video
The three Pac-Man films, The Outer Worlds and New World were the best received. Images: Amazon Prime Video

The three Pac-Man films, The Outer Worlds and New World were the best received. Images: Amazon Prime Video

Normally, we have our Video Piel-Helden self and erkunden die Bunten Fiktionalen Welten mithilfe von Tastatur, Maus oder Controller. In Secret Level müssen wir aber die Füße stillhaltenThe new series contains some small versions of the Lieblings-Universen. Our Mithilfe is not at all embarrassed, because the protagonists themselves let go of their problem (the clearest one).

They see them 10. December 2024 You won’t have to worry about this for the first time on Amazon Prime Video. Die restlichen sieben Episoden folgen dann am 17. December 2024.

Peter, Franzi and Tristan must have seen the series in the past. Pünktlich zum Release erzählen euch die trois, welche Folgen ihre persönlichen Highlights sind.

Attention! Die folgenden Zeilen könnten Spoiler aus eteren Universen enthalten!

New World: The Once and Future King (Folge 3)

First images zur

Dürfen wir vorstellen: Der ungewollt lustige Hauptcharakter. Images: Amazon Prime Video

New World Episode

The character contains the action legend Arnold Schwarzenegger in Stimme (and sogar seine Muskeln) – of course with my Herrn links. Images: Amazon Prime Video

Franziska Hammerschmidt: I have the New World: Aeternum zwar nicht gespielt, but I’m going to do it before I die in the best. I went into a little video sitcom game, with a viel Witz and Charm a little Geschichte über Freundschaft erzählt.

The island on the characters’ shores tells you that more Sand-Oases are there, and we have various video games that interest you. Trotzdem schafft die Serie es, the man self spürt, dass irgendetwas anders or gar ungewöhnlich ist. I may of course not know ausführlich, was genau das ist. But when the episode happened, I was the one who had it.

A big Plus is naturally the lighter and more famous main character, the action legend Arnold Schwarzenegger as part of Stimme and Sogar Muskeln.

Yesterday heißt es demnach schlicht et einfach: Hirn aus, Zurücklehnen und die Show genießen.

PAC-MAN: Circle (Folge 6)

Peter Bathge: If I want to write a message during this episode of Secret Level and I am my friend, the response will not be guaranteed for episodes of Pac-Man. Well, I realized for the first time that the protagonist was headed straight to the Oddworld games at the level of the Mattscheibe series. After a few seconds, I’m creating an image screen.

The story is great, the images are imposing, the plot is full of mysteries. The unforgettable adventures, the focus auf das Fressen or the Gefressen werden, the wonderful experiences auf die Geister – and then this ending. »Shiiiiiiit«, you will find it in the best The-Wire-Manier versions of the shocks, which are naturally not spoilers. It was when my secret level was used that I did it. Shiiiiiiiit.

The Pac-Man-Folge is only a preview, the abstrakter is not in the story, and it contains a single unpublished account of action and development, which tells me more about any other episode from Secret Level with a hat.

Peters Kritik zur gesamten Serie can be found here.

Warhammer 40k, Helldivers 2 and more: the new trailer for the Amazon Secret Level series
Warhammer 40k, Helldivers 2 and more: the new trailer for the Amazon Secret Level series

Starting the video


Warhammer 40k, Helldivers 2 and more: the new trailer for the Amazon Secret Level series

Auch Warhammer 40,000 has its own madness, the story of Space Marine 2 is strong. More information about your article in the article on Kasten.

Where is your secret level? What if the Folge doesn’t happen yet? Last of these are some of the comments we have – if we do not have any other comments!