
if I knew Leonard Sisca, 21 years ago

if I knew Leonard Sisca, 21 years ago

Compared to Rome, it will then land in Ciampino with a flight from Romania on December 5, 2024. The result of the phone will be available yesterday.

Leonard Sisca, his Venetian compared to Ciampino.

Leonard Sisca, his Venetian compared to Ciampino.

He arrived in Italy on a flight from Romania. Ma una volta aterrato a Ciampino, sono state perse su trace. December 5, 2024, and at that point Leonard Ioan Sisca was faced with zero comparison. Vani et tempativi di raggiungerlo chiamandolo al phone, it may be lost yesterday. I don’t hear the days, when he arrives in Italy, it’s the young man’s mother who will send the alarm.

Leonard compared the 21st anniversary of his departure to Ciampino

Dare the notification of the comparison of the young person and the state of the association Penelope Lazio he wrote a manifesto to ensure he found the Ventunenne. The player is 1 metro and 70 centimeters tall and weighs 65 peppers. The carnagione chiara, has corti castani hair and brown eyes.

Come era vestito il ventunenne prima di sparire

At the time of the comparison, I arrived after the flight arrived in Ciampino in Romania, la ventunenne indossava gray pants, beige pants and Adidas brand pants. In test, inoltre, with a black and white cappellino, in spalla, invece, a zaino blue and black.

I particularly see the comparison of Ventune: “Ha diversi tatuaggi sul corpo”

Fra i suoi segni particolari i number of scattered tattoos for the whole body, full body: the night of the hand since it was tattooed the number 1973, in the meantime of the stricken hand 1974; the number 69 is printed on its zigomo sinistro, the 6 on the tempia sinistra. Semper sulla sinistra, stavolta all’avambraccio, troneggia la scritta everything for the family; sul polso sinister it is the image of a woman; sul collo un nome feminine. Other tattoos, invece, are found on the lower leg and on the bust.

Either way, the auspice is what will allow you to relaunch the sale as quickly as possible. The invitation, to obtain further information or send signals, is what leads you to Pronto Penelope telephone number: 339 651479.