
Politics: “A million stars” on the federal square for Armut

Politics: “A million stars” on the federal square for Armut

The action on the federal square must happen, so that Switzerland still has old men in Armut leben.
The action on the federal square must happen, so that Switzerland still has old men in Armut leben.


The solidarity action “A million stars” was launched by Caritas at the Samstagabend around Kerzen on the federal square. Die Action soll daran erinnern, dass in der Schweiz noch immer viele Menschen in Armut leben.

The 800-man cycle is now at the center of Caritas Bern am Samstagabend an der Aktion auf dem Bundesplatz teil. Jede einzelne Kerze represents a symbol of health and solidarity. “Mit ce action möchten wir zeigen, dass niemand allein ist”, written by Silja Wenk, co-responsible for Caritas Bern, in the Mitteilung zitiert.

The action organizations organized by Caritas Bern brought together other Caritas organizations in Switzerland and more than 100 organizations within the framework of national solidarity. Die actions finden jährlich statt.

Armut’s quote in Switzerland dates from 2014 and is still managed. The Federal Statistical Office counts 702,000 men in Armut Switzerland. Fast noch einmal so viele leben am Existenzminimum.