
Guide a rubata car in Bergamo, to chase away the carabinieri if you are in a torrent and compare

Guide a rubata car in Bergamo, to chase away the carabinieri if you are in a torrent and compare

In front of the view of the carabinieri of Morbegno, in charge of an anti-furti control on the altitude of a bridge on the state 38 of the Stelvio in Ardenno, in Valtellina, the large cylinder car which guided you and which fled is launched in a torrent.

The military has responsibility for the intervention of the Civil Protection Emergency Squadron, also regarding the risks related to the aquatic sector and the area, but the man is compared to the null. On the vehicle, the result of the days spent in the province of Bergamo, the military found Arnesi in scasso.

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