
Dynatrace-Führungskraft veräusert Aktien im Wert von 646,749 US-Dollar sur

Dynatrace-Führungskraft veräusert Aktien im Wert von 646,749 US-Dollar sur

Waltham, MA – Dan Zugelder, Executive Vice President and Chief Revenue Officer of Dynatrace, Inc. (NYSE: DT), received 11,021 transactions for an investment amount of US$646,749. The action resulted in a very high price of 58.68 US dollars per coin, the price being between 58.25 and 59.09 US dollars. The transaction took place within an instant, as Dynatrace reached 17.16 billion US dollars, up to 52 days of 61.41 US dollars was traded and rose 26% above 26% of their value. hat. The Verkauf was written by a Rahmen vorab festgelegten Rule 10b5-1 Handelsplans durchgeführt, der am 12.12.2023 beschlossen wurde.

Now the Veräußerung behält Zugelder un direkten Besitz von 197.690 Aktien. The Verkauf war Teil einer Reihe von Transaktionen, en initiation auch Aktien, die zur Erfüllung von Steuerverpflichtungen during the acquisition of Restricted Stock Units (RSU) and Performance Stock Units (PSU) einbehalten wurden. Please note that 531 active programs are included in the Dynatrace program. Dies unterstreicht sein anhaltendes Vertrauen in das Unternehmen, the more Bargeld als Schulden in seiner Bilanz aufweist and in den letzten fünf Jahren starke Renditen erzielt hat.

In other current events, Dynatrace robust Ergebnisse bei Gewinn und Umsatz. The subscription rate (ARR) is now 19% over the year for US$1.62 billion, which means the subscription rate is 20%. Trotz this strong Leistung stops Dynatrace and breast ARR-Prognose for the investment ratio of 1.72 to 1.735 billion US dollars, was a gap of 15% to 16%. The financial forecast for the management years will be between 1.67 and 1.68 billion US dollars, and the forecast for non-GAAP margins will be 28% to 28.25%.

BMO Capital Markets has priced Dynatrace stock at US$61, a positive insight into young financial reading and universal investor potential on a broader level. Ebenso hob Loop Capital has a price of 55 US dollars and is the solid ARR-Wachstum of Dynatrace. Guggenheim participated in the purchase of Dynatrace with a dollar of 64 US dollars and committed to the beach course and the corporate budget.

These young studies offer interesting insights for analysts into the financial education and business position of Dynatrace more broadly. This is something that the production of the production teams took place during many years of waiting and converting vertebrates with another operating company of the year which ended. Mit der Reifung ceser jüngsten Veränderungen erwarten Analysten ein nachhaltiges Wachstum im mittleren bis hohen 2weistelligen Bereich.

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