
News US News | Trump will be Militär für Abschiebungen einsetzen

News US News | Trump will be Militär für Abschiebungen einsetzen

A “Kämpfer für die Meinungsfreiheit” with a US-Behörde letter. Trump will be the Militär für seine Deportationsplane einsetzen. All articles on the news blog.

4:41 p.m.: The factory designated by US President Donald Trump is the military’s instigator of mass evictions. Das geht aus einem Post auf Trumps Kurznachrichtendienst Truth Social hervor.

After posting famous activist Tom Fitton had to abandon Trump’s plane to create a national stand. As much as Trump of the Post Office assures the army, a mass deportation.

Trump commented on this message prompt: “Wahr!!!”, displayed in the Big Booklet and published in Fitton’s Post. Critics warn that Trumps deportations are planning huge costs in their business, families are going abroad and for the safety of communities are allowed to go there. A study by Edison Research was 39 percent against Americans against illegal deportation of a trip, 56 percent lehnen Trumps Pläne ab.

4 hours: Donald Trump will be with Brendan Carr a “Kämpfer für die libre Meinungsäußerung” for the consultations of the Telekommunikations-Aufsicht FCC machen. Das teilte Trump auf der von ihm mitbegründeten Plattform Truth Social mit. Carr a “gegen die gesetzlichen Vorschriften gekämpft, die die Freiheiten der Amerikaner unterdrückt et our Wirtschaft gebremst haben”, he is in Trump’s Mitteilung. This is Wust von Regularien un Ende setzen, der Innovatoren lähme.

The Republic of Ireland is responsible for its respective FCC-Commissar states. In the framework of Rolle hat er laut der FCC-Website zur Modernisierung von Infrastrukturregeln et zur Beschleunigung des Ausbaus von Hochgeschwindigkeitsnetzen beigetragen. Within the reform, there is a management office that generated billions of dollars and the new American position on the Mobifunk 5G standard. A New York Times article was also written by X-Chef and design office director Elon Musk for Carrs Ernennung ausgesprochen haben. Carr teilte auf der Plattform X mit, er fühle sich geehrt, in der Rolle zu dienen.

Dem Posten dürfte in der neuen Regierung besondere Bedeutung zukommen. The FCC is available for other music and television shipments in the United States. Trump hat im Wahlkampf vielfach damit gedroht, im Fall eines Wahlsieges gegen politische Gegner vorzugehen, Sonderermittler gegen sie einzusetzen, sie anzuklagen and gar ins Gefängnis zu bringen – darunter auch Journalisten. Medien bezeichnet er gelmäßig als “Feinde des Volkes” and will unliebsamen Sendern die Lizenz entziehen.

3:30 p.m.: A photo of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Secretary of State-designate of the United States, who is in the social field for the management of public affairs. The image is 70 years from the Trump-Flieger Force One flight, which looks like a Big Mac and a Coca-Cola. With me, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Donald Trump Jr. and other prominent people, fast food geniuses. The event, which took place during a UFC camp in New York, hit the social scene with a well-known reaction – from memes to critical comments. You can find out more here.

3 hours: Donald Trump has two more names on the list of top candidates for the Department of Finance. The “New York Times” (NYT) and the “Wall Street Journal” (WSJ) are journalists who are also the governor of the American Fed Bank, Kevin Warsh, and the billionaire Marc Rowan, the top government candidate. Warsh (54) war from 2006 to 2011 was fought by the leaders of the Fed and the gilts as conservatives in government policy. Rowan (62) is managing director and since 2021 CEO of the investment company Apollo. And Republican Senator Bill Hagerty (65) from Tennessee launched the WSJ in Rennes. With him, Trump got his hands on his wife Anwesen Mar-a-Lago in Florida.